UKR – Consultancy – Emergency multisectoral response to the urgent needs of the conflict-affected people in Ukraine



DURATION : from July,14 2024 To October,13 2024

Source of funding : BHA


Since Autumn 2021, the war in Donbass intensified and movements of Russian military forces and heavy weapons towards the Ukrainian border were reported. On February 24, 2022, following the recognition of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR), Russia launched a full-scale military assault, deploying a wide range of military assets from land, sea, and air. From the beginning of the invasion, heavy fighting was reported throughout the country. Currently, hostilities are concentrated in the eastern and southern parts of Ukraine, directly affecting civilians’ safety and security. Access to northern parts of the country has improved after the withdrawal of the Russian forces, but the population, including returnees and humanitarian workers, are exposed to landmines and other explosive remnants of war (ERW) including unexploded ordnance (UXO).

Now, Ukraine is experiencing an active conflict and a protracted humanitarian crisis. The BHA-funded intervention aims at providing life-saving assistance to the affected population in a flexible way, adapting to the context with constant monitoring and responding to the actual needs. The Consortium members continuously conduct primary and secondary data analysis as well as assessments in various areas in Ukraine; these assessments demonstrate that the affected population has difficulty accessing essential services, including adequate water, sanitation and hygiene commodities, access to health care services and medicines, support in mental health services, and the adequate financial resources to do so. In addition, storage and warehousing of humanitarian goods, including medical cargo, sensitive to temperature changes, is in need of structural support. Thus, the key purpose of the intervention is to contribute the re-establishment of disrupted basic services in conflict-affected areas in targeted Oblasts, with a combination of mobile and static modalities providing services to IDPs, host, and returnee communities, based on their needs, and focusing on the most vulnerable and at-risk populations with an agile response model, which can quickly shift in line with need.

As the conflict has continued into a second year , major changes in the line of contact have been limited, while the population’s support needs have continued to evolve. Acute humanitarian needs remain in the south and east, with increasingly overburdened services in the center and west of Ukraine, which host the vast majority of IDPs. With this increased burden on hospitals, housing schools, job markets, and social services in the center and west, social cohesion is increasingly relevant to humanitarian actors’ work.

The Project’s Theory of Change is as follows: (1) IF the population affected by the ongoing war and protracted crisis, has access to life-saving assistance to meet their basic needs in terms of health care, adequate and safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as essential household items (2) AND IF their safety, mental health and wellbeing is ensured by relevant protection interventions, psychological support and timely and coordinated aid delivery (3) AND IF the healthcare system is enabled to respond to increasing health demands via making available trained staff, medical supplies and functional, inclusive and gender sensitive health, nutrition, and integrated support services; (4) THEN their health and wellbeing will be improved, dignity protected, and the negative impacts of the conflict will be mitigated whilst fostering resilience.


The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the implementing partners’ performance and delivery of the BHA funded project, aligning with OECD evaluation criteria. The evaluation is intended to help implementing partners in enhancing their future programming by integrating lessons learned and best practices identified through this project.

Thus, the evaluation fulfills the following objectives:

  • To assess whether the project achieved its intended objectives and delivered the planned results under different sectors and different geographical locations.
  • To identify and analyze the successes, challenges, and lessons learned during the project implementation including gaps in humanitarian assistance that the project could not cover.
  • To gather input from various stakeholders, including beneficiaries, local partners, and government entities, regarding their perceptions of the project’s relevancy to the needs in the community, the quality of execution of project’s activities, and the effectiveness of assistance delivered.
  • To offer data and insights that can be used to refine programmatic strategies and inform future project designs including comparative analysis of relevancy between regions and sectors.


The assessment of the project’s performance will be directed by a series of research questions tailored to the specific outcomes and insights intended to be derived from this evaluation. While the evaluation is anticipated to capture the primary emphasis outlined for each criterion, the possibility exists to expand the questions into including additional domains if doing so would enhance the evaluation’s methodology without compromising the quality of the results.

For more information, please refer to the Terms of Reference


Interested persons should present in English:

  • A technical offer presenting:
    o The understanding of the issues of the study and the Terms of Reference (ToR ): development of a problem and formulation of questions to which the offer proposes to answer
    o The methodology and tools proposed for the evaluation
    o The workplan presenting the details for the realization of each of the evaluation phases. The proposed schedule should include a briefing time on the mission, as well as at headquarters as far as possible.
  • A financial offer including a detailed budget by chapter (fees, other costs)
  • Updated CVs of Evaluation team members
  • An example of similar studies
  • References

Deadline for submission



[email protected], [email protected] Cc : [email protected]

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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