Nous recrutons des personnes aux compétences spécifiques dans de nombreuses filières de métiers liées à nos actions sur le terrain.
45 offres
Contrat à durée déterminée
En tant que responsable des subventions et des partenariats, vous superviserez le processus de gestion efficace des subventions de PUI avec les partenaires, y compris la garantie des systèmes, des processus et des flux de travail pour assurer la conformité contractuelle, la fourniture de rapports de donateurs de haute qualité et en temps opportun et l'entretien des relations avec les partenaires.. A ce titre, vous serez chargé(e) de :Stratégie Vous dirigerez la conception et la mise en œuvre d'une stratégie de partenariat solide et adaptée au contexte et d'une orientation opérationnelle intégrant des questions transversales (genre, protection, responsabilité, absence de préjudice, participation communautaire, handicap, etc.) et le développement d'outils appropriés et de procédures opérationnelles standard.Formation et soutien technique : Vous fournirez un soutien méthodologique à toutes les équipes de programme et de soutien sur les questions techniques liées aux partenariats et aux subventions et sur les questions transversales telles que la diligence raisonnable, la cartographie des partenariats et le scoop, et la localisation, entre autres.Suivi et évaluation : Vous contrôlerez la qualité et la pertinence des activités des partenaires et les aiderez à affiner leurs plans de travail, leurs budgets et leurs systèmes internes.Renforcement des connaissances : Vous contribuerez au renforcement des connaissances institutionnelles et à la diligence raisonnable des partenariats, aux engagements et à l'amélioration des techniques.Management : Vous aurez à gérer un grants officer
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Grants and Partnership manager, you will oversee the effective grant management process of PUI’s grants with partners, including ensuring systems, processes, and workflows to ensure contractual compliance, the delivery of high quality and timely donor reporting and nurture partner relations. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Strategy: You will lead the design and roll-out of a sound and adapted-to-context Partnership strategy and operational guidance integrating cross-cutting issues (gender, protection, accountability, do-no-harm, community participation, disability, etc.) and development of appropriate tools and Standard operating procedures. Training and technical support: You will provides methodological support to all program and support teams on technical questions linked to Partnerships and Grants and cross-cutting issues such as due diligence, Partnership Mapping and Scooping, and Localization, among others. Monitoring and evaluation: You will look over the quality and relevance of partnership activities by Partners and support partners in refining their work Plans, Budgets, and internal systems. Knowledge building: You will contribute to institutional knowledge building and partnership due diligence, engagements, and techniques improvement. Management : You will have to manage a grants officer.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Deputy Head of Mission for Programs (DHoMP) you will be responsible for the implementation of the programs across the different bases, ensuring the steering and the development of a pertinent, appropriate and technically sound program strategy. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Programs: You will be in charge of program implementation, ensuring that programs progress in accordance with PUI charter and complying with internal technical guidelines and contractual procedures. You will be responsible for the follow up of programs achievement at mission level. You will be in charge of challenging Bases on quality need for improvement. Development/Strategy: You will lead the needs and gaps analysis, and suggest new operations according to the needs identified in direct coordination with the Field and Technical Coordinators. You will lead the donor mapping to develop the fundraising strategy. Human resources: You will manage directly the Technical Coordination Team, and ensure that the Field Coordinators and Deputy Field Coordinators are properly supported by them. Representation: By delegation from the Head of Mission, you will ensure and coordinate PUI’s representation at national level among partners, donors and authorities. You will participate in technical forums (Working groups). Coordination: You will ensure the effective interaction between the Technical Coordination Team and the bases. You will also ensure that the technical coordination department is properly liaising with the support coordinators. Logistics, administrative and financial monitoring: You will be involved in direct collaboration with the Technical Coordinators in the global oversight of links between the technical coordination department and logistics, HR and administrative departments. You will guarantee that the implementation of all activities is done while respecting all internal and external logistics and administrative frames.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Head of Mission, you will be responsible for the smooth functioning and the development of the mission. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Safety & Security: You will be responsible for the safety & security of the mission. Programmes: You will coordinate the teams and ensure that the programmes implemented on the mission are properly carried out. You will also monitor needs and suggest new operations and development tracks for the mission. Human Resources: You will ensure that the mission is adequately staffed and supervise the teams (defining objectives, follow-up). Logistical, administrative and financial monitoring: You will ensure that logistical and administrative practices in place respect PUI procedures and formats and are in compliance with donors’ rules and regulations. Medical and technical monitoring: You will ensure that medical and technical practices respect PUI’s procedures and formats and are in compliance with PUI’s operational framework and policy. Representation: You will represent the association in its relations with partners, donors, the media and different authorities. Relations with Headquarters: You will ensure that information is properly circulated between Headquarters and the field and ensure that due dates are respected.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Health Coordinator, you will be responsible for the development and implementation of the mission's operational Health strategy as well as for the quality of current and future Health programmes throughout the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation phases. You will build the capacity of the mission’s Health department and provides technical support to the project teams and in particular to the Health Project Managers via a functional relationship. You will represent PUI to the authorities, humanitarian actors and donors within the Health sector. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Context analysis / Strategy / Development: You will participate in the development of the operational strategy in Health and contributes to the design of new relevant Health interventions on the mission based on the identified Health needs in the country, and in line with PUI’s Health policy and intervention framework. In coordination with the Health team, you will carry out epidemiological monitoring for the country and analyse strengths and weaknesses from a public health perspective. Programmes quality: You will provide technical support in your field of expertise to the programme teams, in particular to the Health Programme Managers, and ensure the quality and effectiveness of the mission's Health programmes. Representation / Coordination: You will ensure PUI's external representation for the Health sector to partners, donors, national authorities and local actors. You will represent PUI in the Health Cluster / Health sector coordination group meetings. You will contribute to the good information sharing within the Health sector. Human Resources / Training: You will provide technical support to the project teams and in particular to the Health teams. You will provide support to the project managers for the recruitment of technical staff in Health. Working alongside the Head of Mission (HoM) and/or the Deputy HoM for Programs and the HQ Health Advisor, you will identify key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and gaps within Health department. You will supervise the content of Health training and the quality of Health activities on the basis of identified needs. Logistics and Administration: You will ensure the teams under your responsibility follow logistic and administrative procedures and keep the logistic and administrative departments informed of any relevant developments. Security: You will contribute to the compliance with security rules on the mission and share all information related to security with your line manager and/or to the mission's security manager. You will contribute when necessary to the choice of referral options for the health care of the mission's expatriates.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Deputy Head of Mission for Programs (DHoMP) you will be responsible for the implementation of the programs across the different bases, ensuring the steering and the development of a pertinent, appropriate and technically sound program strategy. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Programs: You will be in charge of program implementation, ensuring that programs progress in accordance with PUI charter and complying with internal technical guidelines and contractual procedures. You will be responsible for the follow up of programs achievement at mission level. You will be in charge of challenging Bases on quality need for improvement. Development/Strategy: You will lead the needs and gaps analysis, and suggest new operations according to the needs identified in direct coordination with the Field and Technical Coordinators. You will lead the donor mapping to develop the fundraising strategy. Human resources: You will manage directly the Technical Coordination Team, and ensure that the Field Coordinators and Deputy Field Coordinators are properly supported by them. Representation: By delegation from the Head of Mission, you will ensure and coordinate PUI’s representation at national level among partners, donors and authorities. You will participate in technical forums (Working groups). Coordination: You will ensure the effective interaction between the Technical Coordination Team and the bases. You will also ensure that the technical coordination department is properly liaising with the support coordinators. Logistics, administrative and financial monitoring: You will be involved in direct collaboration with the Technical Coordinators in the global oversight of links between the technical coordination department and logistics, HR and administrative departments. You will guarantee that the implementation of all activities is done while respecting all internal and external logistics and administrative frames.
Contrat à durée déterminée
En tant que Grants Officer, vous serez en charge de la gestion des échéances bailleurs liées aux programmes, de la communication interne et externe sur la mission et appuierez l’Adjoint·e Chef·fe de Mission aux programmes dans ses tâches quotidiennes, notamment dans l’écriture de propositions d’intervention. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Programmes : Vous appuierez la rédaction et la formulation de propositions de projet, ainsi que la révision sur le fond et sur la forme des rapports bailleurs Communication/Information : Vous élaborerez des documents de communication interne et externe et participerez aux groupes de travail communication. Représentation : Vous participerez aux réunions de coordination externes.
Contrat à durée déterminée
En tant que Chargé·e de suivi des projets et contrats bailleurs, vous assurerez l’élaboration des propositions de projets et la rédaction des rapports en accord avec le calendrier de dépôt et de rapportage applicable aux missions du pôle dans le respect des procédures de l’Association pour la zone dont vous serez en charge. A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Propositions de projet : Vous participerez à la rédaction, à la révision sur le fond et sur la forme des nouvelles propositions de projet. Vous participerez à la préparation de l’ensemble de documents destinés aux bailleurs dans le cadre des nouvelles propositions. Vous suivrez l’élaboration des budgets pour les nouvelles propositions, afin d’assurer la cohérence avec les parties narratives. Suivi des projets: Vous participerez activement au respect des obligations contractuelles bailleurs et vous contribuerez à la production, vérification et capitalisation des rapports narratifs analytiques pour les projets en cours.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Field Coordinator, you will be responsible for the the proper functioning of the project site, and proper implementation of programs developed on that site.. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Safety & Security: You will be responsible for the safety & security of the site. Programmes: You will coordinate the teams and ensure proper implementation of programs on the site, under the supervision of your immediate supervisor. Human Resources: You will supervise all of the teams at the site, as well as national and international staff. Logistical, administrative and financial support: You will oversee the logistical, administrative and financial components at the site for the purpose of program implementation, and ensure compliance with the relevant procedures, with substantive support from the Logistics Coordinator (LOGC), and the Administrative and Financial Coordinator (AFC) of the mission. You will represent the organization before the partners, authorities, and various local actors operating in the area where your base is located. Coordination: You will centralize and disseminate information from/to the site, and consolidate the internal and external reporting activities implemented in your field of operations before submitting them to your immediate supervisor. Assessment/ Strategy: You will participate in strategy development and propose new interventions in function of needs identified in your field of operations.
Contrat à durée déterminée
En tant que Coordinateur·trice Financier·e,vous serez responsable de la bonne gestion financière, comptable et budgétaire de la mission. Vous serez le référent en la matière sur la mission aussi bien en interne qu’en externe (bailleurs, autorités, ONG…). A cet effet, vos responsabilités seront les suivantes : Gestion financière, budgétaire et comptable : Vous serez responsable de tous les aspects relatifs aux finances, incluant les éléments budgétaires et comptables, ainsi que la trésorerie de la mission. Représentation : Vous représenterez l’association auprès des partenaires, autorités et différents acteurs locaux impliqués dans les domaines financiers de la mission. Coordination : Vous centraliserez et diffuserez l’information au sein de la mission et au siège pour tout ce qui concerne les domaines financiers de la mission et consoliderez le reporting interne et externe dans ce même domaine.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Grants Manager, you will provide key support in the development of concept notes, proposals, reports, and other documents relevant to the programs. You will be mission focal point for all matter related to donor’s contract, compliance, guidelines and reports regularly to HQ Program Officer or HQ Grants Officer. For this purpose, you will be responsible for : Award management : You will ensure the proper understanding, archiving, follow up, internal communication about mission signed award, contract and their amendment in close collaboration with program teams and HQ. You will also assist the DHoMP and Field Coordinators in the follow-up of program’s activities and contract implementation, and support technical coordinators and operations’ teams in the bases in the tracking, collection and compilation of information relative to program operational progress. Reporting Management : You will ensure the timely and qualitative production of all communication materials, internal and external reports, concept note, and proposals package including annexes. You will also support the MEAL unit in the collection and analysis of project’s data, ensure the production of comprehensive documents and reports for internal (PMT or AFU) and external diffusion (ITT, reports, etc.), develop and update SOPs for program development and reporting in coordination with the Deputy Head of Mission for Program and relevant Technical Coordinators. Donor & Fundraising strategy : You will coordinate and act as the focal point for the design and implementation of a donor & fundraising strategy, including Follows-up and ensure an updated mapping of existent and potential local partners, donors, consortium opportunities. Communication : You will coordinate and act as the focal point for the design and implementation of a communication strategy, including definition of targets and expected outcome as well as the development of quality communication channels and products, internal communication with HQ and external communication (requests for interviews, visibility products, etc.). Capacity building : You will supervise and aim at building the writing reporting and analysis capacities of the Grants Officer.
Contrat à durée déterminée
As Protection Technical Advisor, you will ensure high quality mainstream and integrated protection of PUI in the mission across all programs in a strategic manner. Protection & Programs: You will advise and support the implementation of protection components within current programs. Technical support: You will provide technical guidance, technical tools and capacity building to the protection team and other relevant staff. Strategy: You will contribute to the strategic guidance of the mission on protection programming. Representation: You will represent the organisation in specific instances related with protection. Safety and Security: You will ensure safe programming across all activities.