Iraq – External Consultance Mission – MHPSS Capacity Building

Click here for Terms of Reference.

The expected outputs for this capacity building work are:

Rapid recommendations

Project implementation quality analysis and recommendations (including program monitoring: pre-post intervention monitoring, questionnaires used, therapeutic techniques, etc).

Suggest links / possibilities for integration with other current intervention sector: wash, education, primary health care,

Analyze PSS team experience and lessons learnt from PM (Bardarash camp and non-camp refugee in Dohuk), harmonize tools and modus operandi in PSS.

Analyze MHPSS team (out of camp) experience and lessons learnt.


Compile SOP for MHPSS approach including recommended guidelines for this sector. Harmonize tools and modus operandi in PSS. (using overview document of MHPSS programming in Kurdistan by linking with MH Cluster & other NGOs) preferably including Mental Health Gap Action Program – Humanitarian Intervention Guide (mhGAP HIG) training (clinical or not).

Team capacity building

Understand capacity limitations of MHPSS teams and suggest capacity building objectives.

Prepare team training on good practice and disseminate international protocols and SOP + tools designed specifically for PUI mission in Iraq.

Create a strategy for coherence & coordination between activities (recommendations of how to share information, tools, resources etc.)

Staff welfare : helping of helpers

Identify overall needs and risks relating to impact of stress and trauma on MHPSS staff, and provide recommendations for staff welfare programming, as well as reviewing content of a previously implemented stress management training

The candidates interested are requested to submit their application by email before the 21th of March, 2017 at 12PM to Pierre Manuel Mendez [email protected]
This application must include:

  • A CV of the Trainer
  • A cover letter describing the relevant experiences regarding the present evaluation or capacity building work, the registration number of the entity and/or the trainer and at least 2 relevant referrals. This letter should also mention the trainer’s availabilities.
  • A technical offer signed and scanned presenting the understanding of the present Terms of Reference, the approach suggested including the evaluation and capacity building methodology.
  • A financial offer signed and scanned indicating all the costs related to the completion of the service (including the accommodation, food, transport and communication expenses) including all of the following information’s:
  • An external quotation request filed (model in annex)
  • The name, address of the external trainer and its signature (stamp if exist),
  • The currency,
  • Terms of payment,
  • The date of the offer,
  • The validity of the offer,
  • The terms and timetable of the report delivery,
  • A reference table of the major evaluations + training carried out (maximum 10)
Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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