Thirteen international NGOs report obstacles to the deployment of humanitarian aid in Gaza

The situation is getting worse each and every day. For more than 9 months, the people of Gaza have been plunged into chaos because of endless fighting, forced displacement and lack of access to the most basic and vital services. In a statement issued on 15 July 2024, 13 NGOs described the main barriers to the humanitarian response, which is essential for more than 2 million people living in the Gaza Strip.

Truck carrying food parcels for the people of Gaza – 2024, © Première Urgence Internationale

The deployment of aid has deteriorated significantly since the ground offensive in Rafah at the beginning of May. Trucks remain blocked at the entrance to Gaza, there are no safe areas inside the enclave, and civilians and aid workers alike are paying a heavy price for this war, the outcome of which we are unable to predict. The clock is ticking and there is no sign of a ceasefire.

Since early May, most organizations have had to discontinue purchasing new goods due to the backlog created by the lack of functioning entry routes from Egypt to Gaza. There are reportedly over 1,500 UN/NGOs trucks currently waiting in Al Arish in Egypt to cross into Gaza.

These blockades are having a severe impact on humanitarian organisations, which no longer have the capacity to operate on the ground.

“Première Urgence Internationale has only been able to bring in two trucks out of 50 since the beginning of May. These trucks are loaded with mattresses and care and hygiene products.”


Our presence in Gaza is solely due to the unwavering commitment of our colleagues on the ground despite great risks to their own lives… The risks our colleagues are exposed to each moment are unacceptable. Today, the issue is not just a “shrinking” humanitarian space; there is hardly any space left to operate at all.

The signatory NGOs continue to call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire and maintain it is the only way to provide humanitarian assistance and to protect and save lives in Gaza.


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