
Continued support required for the Gaza Strip

Joint statement – Première Urgence Internationale is part of the over 80 INGO members of AIDA, and takes part of the call on the Government of Israel to end all collective punitive measures against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip. Read the joint statement.

In Bardarash camp, Premiere Urgence Internationale improved the quality of mental health services

Since December 2019, Première Urgence Internationale managed for nine months the provision of primary free health care services in the reopened camp of Bardarash, Kurdistan region of Iraq. The teams ensured individual mental health follow-up and counselling, as well as training of Iraqi doctors to improve the services provided inside the camp.

[Press statement] Beirut: Première Urgence Internationale deploys medical staff and supports in the rehabilitation

Paris, August 7, 2020The deadly explosion that blew up the port of Beirut on Tuesday, August 4th, has dramatic consequences for the populations of Lebanon, already affected by multiple crises. French NGO Première Urgence Internationale is part of the immediate humanitarian response and is mobilizing all its teams and resources to help recover the battered capital. An emergency response is underway on the ground.

Explosion in Lebanon: Our teams deploy an emergency response

The massive and deadly explosion that blew the port of Beirut on Tuesday, August 4th, has dramatic consequences for the populations of Lebanon, already affected by multiple crises. Première Urgence Internationale is part of the immediate response and is mobilizing all its teams and resources to help recover the battered capital.

Third states must take effective action to stop the annexation of territory

8 international humanitarian and development agencies (Première Urgence Internationale, Médecins du Monde, Oxfam, Diakonia, American Friends Service Committee, Middle East Children’s Alliance, Danish Church Aid and Christian Aid) have issued a statement calling upon third states to take effective action to stop the annexation of the West Bank territory. 

Lebanon – Technical assistance for the monitoring of the Flat Fee Model

As part of our actions in Lebanon, we are looking for a Technical assistance for the monitoring of the Flat Fee Model

Yemen: “Now, my family and I have access to free quality healthcare”

In recent months, Première Urgence Internationale has carried out a programme of renovation and modernisation of health facilities in the Hodeidah governorate in north-west Yemen. As a result of these activities, more than 16,000 civilians have had access to free health and nutrition services in modernised and secure facilities.

COVID-19 : In Afghanistan, Première Urgence Internationale is working hard for public health

In the East of Afghanistan, Première Urgence Internationale has been taking action for four decades to respond the emergency health needs and contribute to the improvement of public services. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NGO is implementing several activities and adapting its usual programs. Dedicated resources and special extra supply have been delivered, through a humanitarian air bridge connecting Europe and Afghanistan.

Première Urgence Internationale is working at the frontline to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Syria

On the 15th of March 2020, the Syrian crisis entered its 10th year. A week later, the first confirmed COVID-19 case was reported in Syria. The 9 years of conflict have already left the country battered, but the COVID-19 pandemic has presented yet another challenge for an overburdened and fragile social protection system. Against this backdrop, Première Urgence Internationale was one of the first organizations that responded quickly to address the emerging urgent needs in Syria. With the support of partners, the NGO has worked across its sectors to contribute to common efforts working on preventing a spiraling COVID-19 outbreak in Syria.

In Lebanon, Première Urgence Internationale keeps working to ensure equal access to health care

To help the Lebanese government face the COVID-19 epidemic, Première Urgence Internationale ensures the continuity of its services in the country, and recently started an additional emergency response, in close cooperation with other INGOs. During 45 days, the teams will be distributing personal protective equipment, setting up awareness training sessions, and support the setup of isolation centres. 

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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