
Joint Statement : AIDA Calls for the Immediate Halt of Demolitions and Forcible Transfer of the Humsa Al Bqai’a Community

Jersualem, 10 February 2021 – The Association of International Development Agencies in Palestine (AIDA), representing over 80 INGOs working in Palestine and Israel, calls on Israel to immediately halt the illegal and forcible transfer of the community of Humsa Al Bqai’a in the Jordan Valley. AIDA also urges the international community to resort to appropriate measures to bring Israel into compliance with its legal obligations as an occupying power and to prevent further violations, as we have seen occurring with disturbing pace.

Environmental Impunity: The impact of Settlements Waste Water Discharge in the West Bank

Living through the pandemic has highlighted to all of us how important a healthy and safe environment is. Many Palestinians in rural areas, already living under military occupation, are facing an additional environmental and health crisis as their land is being deliberately and steadily polluted.


COVID-19 prevention, the Beirut blast, Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, vaccinations in the DRC, healthcare in Ukraine and Yemen but also 40 years’ presence in Afghanistan… So many striking events that shaped this peculiar year which, however, did not succeed in weakening the engagement of Première Urgence Internationale’s teams.

Israel Must Provide Necessary Vaccines to Palestinian Health Care Systems

23 Israeli, Palestinian and international health and human rights organizations: Israel must provide necessary vaccines to Palestinian health care systems.

In Palestine, the olive harvest season is wasted by attacks, this year again

[Infography] Between 1st October and 9th November 2020, at least 120 Palestinian farmers have been directly attacked while picking their olives. On the same period, more than 1,475 trees have been vandalized. Oxfam and the West Bank Protection Consortium publish a clear infography on the topic to raise alert on this annual phenomenon, endangering the Palestinian economy and the civilians’ livelihood. 

West Bank: Distribution of “COVID-19 Super Warriors” kits to 2,250 families

Ramallah, 9th of November, 2020 – In this unprecedented time of global pandemic, we all want to protect ourselves and our children, and we all have the right to live in a safe environment, in dignity, exercising our universal and unalienable right to healthcare. In the occupied Palestinian territory, risk and concerns remain very high, and these basic rights are not upheld at the moment. Three organisations: The Danish House in Palestine, Tamer Institute for Community Education and Premiere Urgence Internationale join efforts to help families and support safe and healthy communities.

Lebanon: “It is important to stick to basic healthcare, apart from COVID-19”

The current pandemic must not overshadow other health emergencies and sanitarian crises faced by vulnerable people. In Lebanon, Première Urgence Internationale takes great care of providing constant support to vulnerable populations and facilitating them the access to basic services, despite the stress caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

[Final statement] INTIQAL 2030: Socio-economic Development Program for the Protection of Palestinian Cultural Heritage

“We believe that re-framing the relationship of Palestinians with their cultural heritage and archaeological sites, through empowering youth and enhancing their capacities, will allow Palestinian youth to move forward from the legacy of this heritage to brighter future.”

Rehabilitation, financial support… Our emergency response in Beirut following the consequences of the blast

Emergency response in Beirut: almost two months after the blast that blew Beirut on August 4th, Première Urgence Internationale keeps intervening alongside the populations, to respond both their short-term and longer-term needs of assistance. The humanitarian teams act on health and shelter sectors, in the city as well as in the whole country.

24 INGO join forces for Yemen

Joint statement – As part of the 25 INGO, Première Urgence Internationale urge the UN General Assembly for a prioritization of peace in Yemen by calling for an immediate cessation of hostilities and the engagement of all conflict parties in peace talks. Read the joint statement.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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