

Première Urgence Internationale is helping displaced people in Central and Southern Iraq by providing health care, including mental health services, to displaced communities. Khaerya, a 67-year-old Iraqi woman living in Kilo 18 informal settlement (Anbar), was able to receive a treatment after visiting one of our Mobile Medical Units.

Earthquake in Afghanistan: Première Urgence Internationale dispatches rapid assistance to Afghans

More than a thousand people died and nearly 3,000 were injured in Afghanistan after the earthquake that struck the south-east of the country on Wednesday 22 June. Here is a look back at Première Urgence Internationale’s intervention on the ground.

Libya: support for access to health services

Since 2011, Libya has been undergoing strong political and economic instability, accentuated since 2020 by the COVID-19 pandemic. Faced with such factors of tension, the health sector has been deeply impacted, particularly in the district of Al-Marj, in the northeast of the country. It is in this context that Première Urgence Internationale decided in March 2021 to support the rural clinic of Ahmed Al-Gheriani.

Story from the field: Primary health care for vulnerable populations in northern Iraq

Since August 2021, Première Urgence Internationale teams have been providing primary health care services to displaced people throughout Iraq. Abdullah, a nurse, tells us his story in one of the health centers in the north of the country.

#OpenUpGaza15: a campaign alongside 15 young Palestinians

15 years after the establishment of the Israeli blockade of Gaza, Première Urgence Internationale is participating in the international campaign #OpenUpGaza15, which begins this Tuesday, June 21, in partnership with several international and Palestinian organizations and the UN. Until July 5th, we will explore the impact of the Israeli blockade on the lives of young men and women in the Gaza Strip, by presenting the stories, messages and dreams of 15 of them.

Treasures of Palestine

No, this is not a fairy tale, or the title of a new comic book… it is rather the story of a treasure that deserves our full attention. The Occupied Palestinian Territory has several archaeological sites that constitute an exceptional cultural heritage. Why is Première Urgence Internationale interested in this subject? Discover the genesis of a program that offers several development perspectives for generations of young Palestinians living under occupation.

[PRESS RELEASE] Signature of an innovative Project to Support Youth and Socio-Economic Development in the Gaza Strip around Palestinian Cultural Heritage

Palestinian Prime Minister, H.E. Mohammad Shtayyeh, the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA), H.E. Ms. Rula Ma’ayah signed today with the Agence Française de Development (AFD), H. E the French Consul General M. René Troccaz and Première Urgence Internationale an agreement to launch a 5-year project to Support Youth and Socio-Economic Development in the Monastery of Saint Hilarion in the Gaza Strip, as part of the INTIQAL 2030 program. The project will be implemented in cooperation and partnership between MoTA, Première Urgence Internationale, cultural institutions and the local community.

Protection and preservation of tangible and intangible Palestinian cultural heritage

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) in cooperation with cultural organisations, universities in the Gaza Strip and international experts work to protect and preserve Tell Umm ‘Amr (The Saint Hilarion Monastery) under its Youth-led INTIQAL program. The Monastery of Saint Hilarion, is a rare site for its architectural elements and bears an exceptional historical, religious and cultural testimony. The monastery was an important station on the crossroads between Egypt and Palestine and was an important place of exchange and transmission for cultural and educational activities.

Yemen: “Nutrition activities met an urgent need to my twin daughters and made my life easier”

In Yemen, 66 percent of the population are estimated to need humanitarian assistance in 2021, according to the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) analysis. Over 2.25 million cases of children aged 0 to 59 months, and more than a million pregnant and lactating women, were projected to suffer from acute malnutrition in 2021 (HNO, 2021).

Première Urgence Internationale and WAFAA International Group joined their efforts to support the Limb Reconstruction Center in the Gaza Strip

The Limb Reconstruction Centre is a vital part of WHOs’ trauma and emergency care programme, which is working with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners, on an extensive series of interventions to improve the management of trauma injuries at the prehospital level all the way to hospital care, including emergency departments and surgery, to rehabilitation and recovery.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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