
CALL FOR TENDER – WASH projects in all Afghanistan mission – Wash Items – AFGHANISTAN

THE NGO Première Urgence – Aide Medicale Internationale launches a Call for quotations for the contract award of WASH Project market described as Lot 1 : WASH Item

REF : AFG/Mission/23/WASH Item/004

Call for Tender – Health projects in all Afghanistan mission – Health items – Afghanistan

THE NGO Première Urgence – Aide Medicale Internationale launches a Call for quotations for the contract award of Health Project market described as Lot 1 Health items for kits.

REF : AFG/Mission/23/Health items /005

Lebanon: Agriculture to face hunger

Sabah greets the PUI communication team with an unwavering smile on her face and optimism…

In Gaza Strip, about 148 000 individuals are experiencing violations of their basic rights on a daily basis, because of restrictions imposed by Israel.

The Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip has sealed off more than 2 million people over the past 16 years. Among the multiple measures imposed, Israel has unilaterally defined an Access Restricted Area (ARA) on land along the fence of the Gaza Strip with Israel as well as on the sea fishing area, prohibiting farmers, herders, and fishers to carry out their economic activities. ARA represents 35% of Gaza Strip’s agricultural lands and up to 85% of the fishing zone. The enforcement of such a policy have devastating consequences on farmers, herders, fishers and their families’ life who are directly exposed to physical threats and loss of their productive assets – but have also an impact for the entire population of Gaza.

Open Letter to the Yemeni Parties to the Conflict from 141 NGOs: Restore and Renew the Truce and Build Lasting Peace

As we mark eight long years of the conflict in Yemen and one year since the start of the now lapsed truce agreement of 2 April 2022, we call on you to maintain sharp focus on reaching a new truce deal and initiating steps towards a real, long-lasting, and inclusive Yemeni peace process.

World Water Day: Climate disasters remind us that water access is far from being a given, for both North and South

While states are meeting this week at the UN headquarters in New York to discuss the challenges related to water, civil society organizations are raising the alarm about the unprecedented level of humanitarian needs in terms of access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH).

On the occasion of World Water Day, Timothée LE GUELLEC, WASH Advisor at Première Urgence Internationale, reminds what are the main actions on which the international community must act.

No respite for Syria after 12 years of war

After 12 years of war in Syria, 7 out of 10 people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance. The country has 22 million inhabitants, 6 million of whom are displaced persons who have fled the fighting and whose living conditions are extremely precarious.

Discovery of a leaden sarcophagus in the Roman Necropolis of Ard-al-Moharbeen in Gaza

Première Urgence Internationale teams made an incredible discovery during a preventive archaeological excavation in Jabalyah, in the north of the Gaza Strip.

In southern Yemen, supporting the health system by rehabilitating health care facilities

In a country that has been at war for eight years, where the health system is very fragile, Première Urgence Internationale is working to improve access to care, particularly by rehabilitating health facilities.

In conflict-affected areas of Iraq, collaboration is key to effective humanitarian support

In Ramadi, one of the cities most affected by the conflict with the Islamic State group, Première Urgence Internationale has deployed a team composed of a psychologist and a psychosocial worker to assist internally displaced people.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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