
“The assistance you gave us will help us stand up again”

Première Urgence Internationale in Lebanon is currently implementing activities in Saida, Jezzine and Nabatieh districts, in the South of the country. Première Urgence Internationale has implemented Emergency Cash Assistance (ECA) since 2015.  Through this program, households threatened with eviction following an unplanned event or shock such as a job loss or hospitalisation receive a maximum of US$400 .The aim is to prevent eviction and to give households an opportunity to positively cope with the acute challenges. Here is the story of one of these families.

“I just wanted somebody to hold my hand and help my children”

Violence and death are not the only injuries that people living in conflict suffer. Often, trauma is more deeply rooted in each of them. The Première Urgence Internationale’s teams are working in Iraq to provide psychological and mental health support for these wounded populations.

A way back to school

After war, violence, escape, returning to school can be difficult for Syrian refugee children and their education is a real challenge. Première Urgence Internationale is working in Iraq -where 230,000 Syrians live- to help these children find their way back to school.

“I realised that my children and I deserve to be happy”

Dawlat is 44 years old. When her home in Syria was hit by a bomb in 2013, she lost her husband. She fled Syria with her four children and sought refuge in Lebanon. She settled in the border village of Aarida, in Akkar. In 2017, she started attending psychosocial support sessions carried out by Premiere Urgence Internationale.

The challenge of being a farmer in Gaza, facing electric power failures and military incursions

Every day, farmers in Gaza are facing dramatic consequences of the current situation of the area. Première Urgence Internationale is taking action to help them. Explanations.

« I felt as I arrived in a desert, not knowing anyone »

Tarek and Hasna were born in the region of Hama in Syria. They have two children: Sarah and Mohammed. In 2011, the war broke out and the destiny of this family with it. Hasna shares with us their story.

“After 3 years of conflict, Yemen faces the worst humanitarian crisis being”

After 3 years of conflict in Yemen, 22 million people need humanitarian aid. Paul Spagnol, geographical manager for the Middle East at Première Urgence Internationale reviews the situation.

Living in Lebanon: destinies and a life story

Candice Talleux is field coordinator in Saida, Lebanon. Back from the mission, she tells us about Salma, a young Syrian woman that is living in Lebanon, faced with extreme precariousness.

What is the use of a water supply network? The example of Borj El Arab

Première Urgence Internationale conducts water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) projects in nearly 11 countries around the world. Focus on the project of construction of a water supply network in Borj el Arab in Lebanon and the stakes behind this mission.

Poverty and deprivation: life in Gaza after 10 years of Israeli blockade (360 video)

A 360 video takes you to Gaza. What is life like in Gaza under Israeli blockade? The video is made in partnership with Action Against Hunger, Terre des Hommes and funded by the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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