
CALL FOR TENDER : Framework agreement in the field of team management capacity building

CALL FOR TENDER : Framework agreement in the field of team management capacity building

Communiqué – Le 28 juillet, célébrons les 10 ans du droit à l’eau et à l’assainissement

Ce 28 juillet 2020 marque le dixième anniversaire de la reconnaissance des droits humains à l’eau et à l’assainissement par l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies (A/RES/64/292) En pleine période de crise sanitaire, cette date nous rappelle l’importance vitale d’un accès universel à l’eau et à l’assainissement et questionne les avancées réalisées en la matière. Pour l’occasion, les associations françaises se mobilisent au travers de la campagne « L’eau est un droit ».

An essential psychosocial support during the pandemic of COVID-19

The expertise of Première Urgence Internationale within the field of mental health and psychosocial support is constantly developing across all missions. The France mission is a good example of this inclusion and of the integrated approach.

Diaporama – Raising awareness about COVID-19 in the slums of Ile-de-France

The photojournalist George Nickels went to the field for telling, through his pictures, the activities of Premiere Urgence Internationale during the COVID-19.

In Ile-de-France, connect slums to drinking water

The spread of COVID-19 is slowing down in France, but Première Urgence Internationale is continuing its emergency response in Ile-de-France in favour of the most vulnerable people. The organisation’s action is based on two components: health and access to water and good hygienic conditions.

Ile-de-France : a day of full immersion in a mobile clinic

Just like in countries such as Nigeria, Lybia and Mali, Première Urgence Internationale set up mobile clinics in Ile-de-France to facilitate access to the healthcare system for the less fortunate people. The goal : proposing free consultations and heighten awareness about COVID-19 for the most vulnerable who have no direct access to healthcare.

In France the slums have been emptied out of the people living in them, but «the most vulnerable are still there»

Since 2012 Première Urgence Internationale has been leading healthcare mediating activities in the slums of Ile-de-France, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne. Three bilingual mediators provide a regular follow up on the dozens of Romanian speaking families in order to ease their access to public health and have their rights respected. With the advent of COVID-19 the slums have been partially destroyed. But the vulnerability of such population has worsened.

Press statement: NGOs raise alarm about the consequences of the COVID-19 in eastern Ukraine

Kyiv, 14th of April 2020 – In Ukraine, the consequences of the pandemic could be dramatic for vulnerable populations, especially in the Eastern provinces where a six-year armed conflict let the health system and structures extremely weakened. Première Urgence Internationale, the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Danish Refugee Council and Right to Protection, which are intervening in the country, warn about the need for urgent measures to protect civilians, and offer their assistance to the government.

In Ukraine, 7 years of silent war

For almost seven years, a war has been fought in silence at the gates of Europe. In the east of the country, particularly in Donbas province, hostilities continue daily. Infrastructure is damaged, and health services destroyed. To support civilians, Première Urgence Internationale intervenes in several villages and provides material support.

Access to water, hygiene, sanitation… Key priorities during an outbreak

Première Urgence Internationale has a long record of supporting people across the world, in crisis and conflicts situations. The ongoing global outbreak of COVID-19 replaces all countries on an equal basis, and imposes to respect everywhere the same guidelines and measures. Especially in terms of hygiene, access to water, and sanitation. Echoing on the World Water Day, this Sunday 22th of March, let’s remind the essential bases.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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