
Training on Goat Veterinary and Reproduction in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

As part of our actions in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, we are looking…

Finding ways to help women to get access to healthcare in Afghanistan

Afghanistan is one of the countries where mortality rates among mothers and children are among the highest in the world. Première Urgence Internationale has been working in the country since 1979 to improve the population’s health care, and in particular women’s health in Afghanistan. To achieve this, projects must take local culture into account.

The health situation of a country in transition

Shwe Linn Htet has worked with Premiere Urgence Internationale as a Country Medical Manager in Myanmar. He explains how the health situation in this country is and what Première Urgence Internationale is trying to accomplish through its programmes.

The management of the world’s largest refugee camp

Since 2017, nearly 700,000 Rohingya fled the violence and persecution in Myanmar to seek refuge in Bangladesh, particularly in the Cox’s Bazar area where a “mega camp” was formed in Kutopalong. After a long journey in the wilderness, thousands of families are reaching this camp, exhausted, sick and in dire need of protection and humanitarian aid.

“We stay, the population needs our help”

On January 20, armed terrorists invaded a luxury hotel in Kabul. On January 24, NGOs’ offices in Jalalabad were violently stormed. Three days later, an ambulance bomb exploded in the center of Kabul. On January 29, Kabul Military Academy is also attacked. Four coordinated attacks in 10 days in Afghanistan, killing more than 200 people that show an insecurity and a general tension in the country.

Understanding the food and nutrition situation in North Korea

Camille, engineer specialised in agricultural development, gives us keys toward a better understanding of North Korea’s food and nutrition situation.

Hadja, Mohammed, Zyad…They all crossed paths with our teams in 2017 in Lebanon, Palestine, Nigeria and Ukraine…

They all have a story.  We bring you first-hand accounts of their stories, experiences full of pain but also of hope, in this, the final edition of the year.

République Démocratique Populaire de Corée – Un(e) consultant spécialisé(e) dans la formation à la gestion des cultures fourragères

Contexte : La RPDC est l’un des pays les plus isolé de la planète. Dès…

Urgent intervention on behalf of Rohingya refugees

After an exploratory mission that highlighted widespread urgent needs, Première Urgence Internationale decided to intervene in Bangladesh.


Antoine Golfier has just spent 7 months in Afghanistan for Première Urgence Internationale. Working in this country at war was a challenge for this 25-year-old humanitarian. This experience also opened his eyes to the reality of a country and its population.


How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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