
Working in Afghanistan: between insecurity and team spirit

With Première Urgence Internationale, Marko spent one year in Afghanistan, working as Field Coordinator in the Eastern region of the country. Recently returned from Jalalabad, he shares his impressions about the NGO’s oldest mission, full of challenges and unexpected discovery.


The inhabitants of the Kayin State have to deal with countless diseases, all because of poor water quality. Along with two technical experts from Aquassistance, Timothée Le Guellec, an expert in water, sanitation and hygiene for Première Urgence Internationale formed an evaluation team that went to south-eastern Myanmar, to the Kayin State, to analyse the situation and offer solutions.

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – Goat breeding and milk processing equipment

Call for Tender: « To improve children’s nutritional status and households’ resilience, through the reinforcement of goat rearing practices in South Hwanghae Province, DPRK »

In Afghanistan, more women are able to give birth safely

In the east region of Afghanistan, Première Urgence Internationale is improving access to maternal and neonatal care for women living in remote villages of Kunar Province. Thanks to this program, the number of institutional deliveries is increasing, in the five health facilities supported.

Improving living conditions in camps in Bangladesh

Première Urgence Internationale has been working in Bangladesh since 2017 to respond to the needs of Rohingya refugees who have fled Myanmar to escape persecution.

Afghanistan: More aid workers have been killed so far in 2019, compared to all of 2018

The security situation of humanitarian workers remain critical in Afghanistan. While having being victim of a deadly explosive attack in May, Première Urgence Internationale still continues to work in the eastern region. But our teams, as the whole community of aid workers, are urging all stakeholders to protect and facilitate their work.

An app to assist people affected by HIV

In Myanmar Première Urgence Internationale is implementing a HIV prevention and case management program. Our teams do this by running HIV and sex education and awareness programs, testing key populations, providing counseling to at-risk and HIV positive populations. In collaboration with the Myanmar authorities and People Living with HIV in Myanmar, PUI plans to launch an online platform, “HiPEN”, to facilitate access to information.

To improve children’s nutritional status and households’ resilience, through the reinforcement of goat rearing practices, in South Hwanghae Province, DPRK

And Strengthening the South Hwanghae Agricultural University technical and institutional capacities to enhance its role…

“Refugee in Bangladesh, I’m waiting to go back to my country”

Fatema lives with her two daughters in the Kutupalong Camp since September 2018. She has get used to the camp but continues dreaming to come back in Myanmar.

Fareshta, medical doctor in Afghanistan

Fareshta is a female doctor who works for the mobile health clinics deployed by Première Urgence Internationale in the city of Herat in Western Afghanistan. She treats vulnerable persons.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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