
Service Provider for specialized clinical supervision – Armenia

Country / Region: Armenia Start date: 7th of may 2021 Duration: 7 months Source of…

Climate change and conflict: a subtle but real connection

On the occasion of its Earth Week, Première Urgence Internationale is launching a series of articles focused on the environment, detailing the concrete actions taken and the objectives set to go further in its environmental commitment.

Access to water, hygiene, sanitation… Key priorities during an outbreak

Première Urgence Internationale has a long record of supporting people across the world, in crisis and conflicts situations. The ongoing global outbreak of COVID-19 replaces all countries on an equal basis, and imposes to respect everywhere the same guidelines and measures. Especially in terms of hygiene, access to water, and sanitation. Echoing on the World Water Day, this Sunday 22th of March, let’s remind the essential bases.

Coronavirus: to adapt the humanitarian response during an emergency

The global coronavirus epidemic forces many sectors of activity to slow down and adapt their functioning. The humanitarian sector is not an exception. Like other NGOs, Première Urgence Internationale is shifting its actions and programs throughout the world, like it already did in response to previous regional outbreaks. The priority is to protect health workers and the population, while ensuring the continuity of essential care.

Bangladesh: a success story of community engagement

In the past two years, the previously existing Rohingya refugee camp of Kutupalong has enlarged from 30,000 into a mega-camp with over  600,000 refugees[1]. Even if primary needs are still present in the Teknaf Camps, people – especially Elder, Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities – have different needs that go unmet.

In Afghanistan, more women are able to give birth safely

In the east region of Afghanistan, Première Urgence Internationale is improving access to maternal and neonatal care for women living in remote villages of Kunar Province. Thanks to this program, the number of institutional deliveries is increasing, in the five health facilities supported.

To improve children’s nutritional status and households’ resilience, through the reinforcement of goat rearing practices, in South Hwanghae Province, DPRK

And Strengthening the South Hwanghae Agricultural University technical and institutional capacities to enhance its role…

Afghanistan: security remains a challenge for humanitarian workers

While the country’s political future remains unclear, its security situation is still an issue and makes humanitarian work complicated. Première Urgence Internationale, which has been working in Afghanistan for forty years, is focusing on working with local stakeholdersto carry on responding to needs.

Training on Goat Veterinary and Reproduction in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

As part of our actions in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, we are looking…

Première Urgence International Emergency Response to the attack in Momandara District

On the 11th September 2018, in an over-crowded tent, set in protest for the killing of a local pro-government militia leader, a suicide attacker detonated his explosive vest, taking 80 people’s life and wounding 160 more.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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