
Looking after body and mind: psychosocial support in Nigeria

To help people regain their independence, tending to psychological trauma is just as important as treating physical suffering or ensuring food security. In Nigeria, Première Urgence Internationale has implemented an aid program dedicated to victims who have been traumatised by the violence they have been through. Interview with Doctor Hazim Abdulkarim, mental health and psychological support Advisor in Nigeria.

Diaporama : Mobile health teams for reaching underserved areas in Libya

Première Urgence Internationale operates in Libya since 2017, in a country facing a high level…

Exhibition in Nigeria: the hope through the eyes of survivors

Première Urgence Internationale dedicates a photo exhibition to the victims of the conflict in northeastern Nigeria. To escape the violence of the armed groups, hundreds of thousands of Nigerian civilians have been forced to flee to Maiduguri, the largest informal camp for displaced people in the world.

Nigeria – Consultancy on the feasibility and creation of a 2019 strategy for the Maiduguri Inter-Agency Logistics Platform

Premiere Urgence Internationale (“PUI”) has been managing Maiduguri Inter-Agency Logistics Platform (MIALP) with WFP Logistics…

FOR VALENTIN, “It’s unheard of” in Chad

Valentin Badiel is the coordinator in the field for Première Urgence Internationale in Abéché, in eastern Chad. He tells us about the situation in this area, in a country that undergoes repeated food crises.

‘In Cameroon, the teams told me how they cleared paths with machetes’

Fanny Vagné is emergency technical manager in Cameroon. Still new to the humanitarian aid sector, on her return from mission, she talks to us about her career, her experience of compassionate work and her mission in Cameroon.

“Above all, a mission is the people involved in it”

Noémie D’Aout has been HR coordinator in Cameroon since August 2017. She tells us about this important role and the challenges it involves.

‘Cascade’ training: working with, and for, communities

Première Urgence Internationale has been working with local communities in Nigeria since 2016. In 2017, the teams implemented training sessions on nutrition. Rémi Alverhne, Food Security project manager, explains the ‘cascade’ training system this project is using.

Innovative projects in Nigeria to support people in need

Première Urgence Internationale works in the Bolori II district in Maiduguri, Nigeria, helping both refugee and local populations. In 2017, it launched a food aid project in the form of electronic cards. Rémi Alverhne, manager of the food security project, explains the challenges of this innovative programme.

Burundi, a small fragile country in the great lakes region

With 11 million inhabitants, Burundi is the third poorest country in the world. The Première Urgence Internationale teams are supporting the mother and child department of the hospital in Ngozi, in the north of the country.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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