
DR Congo: Communities as both beneficiaries and agents of change

Première Urgence Internationale’s teams have been working in the Democratic Republic of Congo for 20 years, providing assistance to 350,000 people throughout the country. In the province of North Kivu, the various interventions allow us to fight against the increasing difficulties of access to quality health services.

Central African Republic : Responding to the urgent needs of malnourished children

The Central African Republic has suffered multiple political and security crises since 2013. These crises adversely affected the population’s access to basic services, particularly health services, which were already fragile and dysfunctional before the crisis. In 2021, more than half of the country’s population, or 2,571,343 people, were in need of humanitarian health assistance, 17% more than in 2020.

Central African Republic: In Ndele, Global Handwashing Day was celebrated with demonstrations

The Global Handwashing Day (October 15) was celebrated in the village of Adoumindou, located 7km from Ndélé in the Bamingui-Bangoran prefecture. It is one of the villages that benefited from the family latrines of the Iboungbi project (multisectoral development in the North-East of CAR): 60 latrines were built there.

This year’s global theme was “the power is in our hands”.

MALI: Displaced populations take refuge in the Kidal region

The Kidal region, once the epicenter of the political and security crisis in Mali, has experienced a relative lull since 2019. However, for the past few months, Kidal has been facing the arrival of more and more displaced populations from the north and center of the country, due to the deterioration of the context in these areas. Indeed, some communities are forced to leave their villages and abandon their resources for security reasons, and take refuge in calmer regions such as Kidal.

Floods in Chad: 1 million people affected

Overflowing rivers, ravaged land, loss of livestock… The heavy rains of recent weeks in Chad are still causing a catastrophic situation for 166,965 families, or more than one million people, in a large part of the country.


From June 2021 to July 2022, Première Urgence Internationale intervened in the regions of Gao (circle of Ansongo) and Mopti (circle of Bandiagara)

Sudan: back to Darfur

13 years after Aide Médicale Internationale withdrew from Darfur, Première Urgence Internationale will once again respond to the worrying nutritional situation and at the same time reunite with former collaborators.

An emergency health response for Cameroonian refugees in Chad

For several months, Chad has become a refuge for Cameroonian people fleeing inter-community conflicts on its territory, with a considerable impact on the host populations. The Première Urgence Internationale teams have mobilized in the west of the country to deal with this new cross-border crisis

Burkina Faso: the situation remains critical in Sebba, a town under blockade

Since the end of June, the town of Sebba, in the north of Burkina Faso, has been under blockade by radical groups, hampering the supply of food and severely weakening the functioning of health structures.

Press communication : International INGO Forum denounces attacks on civilians and humanitarian actors DRC

The International NGO Forum, representing 118 international NGOs operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo, denounces the increase in violence against the Congolese civilian population and the direct attacks against humanitarian and development workers in the country. The INGOs operating in the country call on the Congolese government to redouble its efforts to ensure compliance with International Humanitarian Law and that perpetrators of such criminal acts be identified and prosecuted.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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