
DRC: from awareness-raising to treatment of STI

In the Ngaba health zone in Kinshasa, Première Urgence Internationale runs awareness campaigns on STIs,…

LIBYA EMERGENCY: 80% of Al-Bayyadah’s infrastructure destroyed

Storm Daniel caused extensive damage in eastern Libya. Since September 11, Première Urgence Internationale teams have been mobilized to assess needs and provide a humanitarian response to those who survived the disaster.

Chad: the number of refugees from Sudan is continuing to increase.

Since the start of armed clashes in Sudan on April 15, 2023, Chad has welcomed over 100,000 refugees and more than 24,000 returnees, according to the Chadian government’s census and the UNHCR.

Burkina Faso: “When I gave birth to my daughter, there was no problem. She was in great shape and everyone envied her”.

Kadi, a mother of three, lives in Fada, Burkina Faso, with her two boys and a daughter. Arcela, who will be 18 months old in January 2023, suffers from severe acute malnutrition with complications. At the time of the interview, she had been in hospital for a month at the Centre for Nutritional Recovery and Education (CREN) at the Fada Regional Hospital (CHR).

SUDAN: Priority to the people

After relocating to safety, Première Urgence Internationale teams in Sudan are redeploying their humanitarian aid efforts to people affected by the conflict that has been tearing the country apart for over 10 days.



Cameroon: diseases are declining

In November 2022, a number of villages in the Logone-et-Chari department in the Extreme North of Cameroon were continuously attacked by non-governmental armed groups. These incursions have led to the displacement of populations to neighbouring districts, with consequences for the health of all.

“The main thing is to keep smiling”

From South Sudan, Ken Garang is Première Urgence Internationale’s Field Coordinator in Maiduguri, Nigeria. An example of resilience, he shares his tips on how he rose up the ranks and made a difference in the field over the last six years, and more to come.

Sudan: When the community seizes the fight against malnutrition

Acute and chronic malnutrition remains one of the major public health concerns in Sudan. To address emergency food and nutritional needs of families with children diagnosed with malnutrition in Gedaref, eastern Sudan, Première Urgence Internationale involves health volunteers from the community. Rogia is one of them.

Interview with Moussa Kaba, health coordinator in Burkina Faso

Moussa is health coordinator for Première Urgence Internationale in Burkina since October 2020

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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