
South Oubangui: “the zone faces a chronic under-development”

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has faced an influx of Central African refugees since 2013. In South Oubangui, refugees crossed the Oubangui River long ago to settle among the Congolese populations. Première Urgence Internationale has been working in the country since 2001. Benoït Ralu is “multisector approach” project manager. He explains what this approach brings to the project.

« We must take action for this neglected area »

The Ouaddai region is located in eastern Chad, on the border with Sudan. Many basic services are missing in this remote and forgotten region. Première Urgence Internationale has been working in this area since 2004. The humanitarian needs are worrying. Moussa Sogoba, field coordinator in Hadjer Hadid, talks about the importance of taking actions in this forgotten area.

La Chronique N° 126 – March 2018

This edition of La Chronique takes us in the Lake Chad region. In Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger, bordering countries of the lake, populations are facing a major crisis.

Première Urgence Internationale is giving assistance to these people, on the verge of collapse.

Sénégal : one story, one team and a success

Since 2012, Première Urgence Internationale is managing the Wassadou Medical Center (WMC) in Senegal. Driven by its faithful team, the project developed in 2017 and thrived into a wonderful success. A worth telling story.

Faecal sludge management in a refugee camp is a public health issue

Aline Georges returns from her first mission with Première Urgence Internationale. She tells us how faecal sludge management is a public health issue within the Minawao refugee camp in Cameroon.

“Behind budget lines, there are human lives”

Ivan Dautriche is 30 and a finance controller for Première Urgence Internationale. He shares with us his life experience and his career in the charity.

Extraordinary resilience in the Central African Republic

Camille Saulnier spent two years in the Central African Republic with Première Urgence Internationale. Upon her return to France, this former head of mission explains how Première Urgence Internationale has been so successful in the CAR.


Première Urgence Internationale has been working in Mali since 2013 despite difficulties gaining access to the population. In fact in October 2017, The UN Secretary General’s annual report stressed that the humanitarian and security situation has ‘significantly deteriorated’ in Mali. Moustafa Saadou has spent 10 months in the country as medical coordinator for Première Urgence Internationale.

Benjamin: a doctor back from Libya

Benjamin Wood is a medical doctor from Tasmania, Australia.  He worked a couple of years…


In 2017, violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) has become increasingly intense, resulting in disastrous consequences for residents. Currently, just over half the population find themselves in need of humanitarian assistance. Ewelina Gasiorowska, Première Urgence Internationale’s manager for the Africa region, sheds some light on the situation.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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