
Humanitarian: the determination to act from the field

Charlotte Gout has been working at Première Urgence Internationale for six years. It was the desire to go out to the field that attracted her and motivated her to join our teams. She started as an intern in 2015 at the NGO’s headquarters and then left for Chad as a Field Coordination Assistant. One thing leading to another, her journey took her to Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and finally Afghanistan. She shares her story.

Field Coordinator in Cameroon: the art of meeting challenges

Seniensou Kone is originally from Côte d’Ivoire and is Field Coordinator in Cameroon for Première Urgence Internationale. He tells us about his background, his commitment and his career development within the NGO.

Mali: Intervention of Première Urgence Internationale’s mobile teams to help the most isolated populations

Première Urgence Internationale has been present in Gao region and more precisely in Ansongo circle located in the South-East (about 200 000 inhabitants) since 2014. The NGO’s mobile teams provide medical and nutritional assistance in hard-to-reach places and for the most vulnerable people.


Première Urgence Internationale has been supporting the Wassadou Medical Center (WMC) since 2012. This project, which bloomed towards success, finds itself at risk today due to lack of funds. Therefore, the NGO launched an online fundraising.


Chad, as every other country worldwide, has been facing COVID-19’s pandemia for several months now. Mid-January 2021, there was about 2895 cases of contamination and 111 deaths recorded*.

Nigeria : Kuluma sells charcoal to Bolori 6

Kuluma Kaleh Grema Kaleh also known as Mama Aisha is a mother of 11 kids. She is an Internally Displaced Person form Guzamala and arrived in Bolori 6 two years ago.
She recalled when she integrated the assistance component of the program of Première Urgence Internationale: “Few days after we arrived in Bolori 6, my family was selected by Première Urgence Internationale as beneficiaries along with other displaced families from Guzamala. We were then provided monthly cash to buy food and pay for other family expenses.”



International NGOs in Cameroon condemn the attack against Mother Francisca school in Kumba, in the South-West region, and recall that education facilities should never be a target

© Clément Louis Kolopp – 2019 Yaounde, 26 October 2020 – International NGOs in Cameroon…

The crisis in Mali must be a wake-up call for a new response in the Sahel

Statement from the People’s Coalition for the Sahel – As members of the People’s Coalition for the Sahel, a group of civil society organisations from Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger and beyond, we stand together with the Malian people during the current political crisis.

In Cameroon, “school brigades” formed to promote hygiene in schools

For the past two years, Première Urgence Internationale has been carrying out awareness-raising activities on water, hygiene and sanitation in 11 schools in Cameroon. In 2018 and 2019, 7,740 children and 180 teachers and parents benefited from awareness-raising programmes in newly equipped and sanitised schools.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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