

The security context continued to deteriorate in Burkina Faso during the year 2021, and the town of Sebba, in the Yagha province in the Sahel, remains the target of multiple armed attacks against the civilian population. The population movements generated by these acts destabilize the town and put great pressure on the health sector. Following the attack on the village of Solhan, Première Urgence Internationale was able to mobilize in order to set up an advanced health post (AHP) capable of responding to the needs of vulnerable populations in terms of both health and nutrition.


In August 2021, Première Urgence Internationale conducted a training course in the district of Torodi, Tillabéri region, for traditional birth attendants to raise their awareness about obstetrical dangers and the importance of having qualified medical personnel accompany women during childbirth. Our teams met Fati, a traditional birth attendant, who has since benefited from our support in her daily activities.

Fighting malnutrition in Ibanda, Democratic Republic of Congo

Born in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the village of Ibanda in Mai-Ndombe, Ekangala M. is the youngest of a family of three children. He was four years old and weighed 7 kg when his mother, Mrs. M., brought him to the health center in Ntanda. Ekangala suffers from severe malnutrition: in a normal nutritional situation, a four-year-old child weighs an average of 16 kg. Ekangala is immediately taken care of by the members of Première Urgence Internationale, and then sent to the hospital where he will be treated

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) : Saving the lives of pregnant women and young children

Our health support project in Kasai has made it possible to monitor pregnant women and young children free of charge. Anastasie BIAKALUA, a doctor in the Kamalenga health center, testifies to the many benefits of this project.

Restoring livelihoods for the most vulnerable households impacted by the conflicts in Bangui

Decades of cyclical crises have plunged Central African Republic into a deep state of vulnerability, the country ranking second to last in the 2020 Human Development Index. This protracted insecurity and instability has seriously impacted the economy of the country, with unemployment rising up to 24.2% in 2016(1).

Tender for awarding a framework contract of Cash Transfer Programming, Financial Service Provider, Programme Management System

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is looking for a Tenderer for a framework contract of Cash Transfer Programming, Financial Service Provider, Programme Management System, in order to develop PUI’s CVA though the use of secured platforms and payment mechanisms.

In Bangui, Première Urgence Internationale enables women to give birth in safe conditions in health centers

The Central African Republic ranks second to last in the Human Development Index (HDI). The country has been plagued by cycles of political and military conflict for several decades, which have gradually driven the population into poverty. These chronic crises don’t allow the State to perform its regalian functions and to meet the needs of the Central African population, particularly in terms of access to quality health care.


Al Kufra is a district of the south-east of Libya with three municipalities including Al Jawf, Tazerbou and Rebyana gathering around 70,000 inhabitants. The population of Al Kufra has limited access to services, particularly health care, due to the remote geographic location of the region, the lack of skilled health personnel as well as the limited medical supplies and equipment even in main cities.

Mali: Review of the emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Mopti region

Mali has been heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the strengthening of patient management protocols and epidemiological surveillance, our teams were able to implement a nine-month program to support health centers in Mopti region.

Central African Republic: Strengthening Access to Health Care and Improving Food Security for Vulnerable Populations in Bamingui-Bangoran

Since 2018, Première Urgence Internationale has been implementing a project to provide emergency medical-nutritional assistance and strengthen the primary and secondary health system in the Bamingui-Bangoran Prefecture, Central African Republic. An initiative made possible through the support of the European Union’s Bêkou Fund.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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