
  • Hadja, Mohammed, Zyad…They all crossed paths with our teams in 2017 in Lebanon, Palestine, Nigeria and Ukraine…

    They all have a story.  We bring you first-hand accounts of their stories, experiences full of pain but also of hope, in this, the final edition of the year.
  • La Chronique n°124 – September 2017

    La Chronique n°124 - September 2017
    57 million children around the world do not have access to education. This edition of La Chronique raises the issues of education and future of the children victims of armed conflicts and natural disasters.

    In its humanitarian programs, Première Urgence Internationale supports children  to overcome their difficulties of living in crisis...
  • Annual report 2016

    Annual report 2016
    The annual report 2016 covers the field work of Première Urgence Internationale and gives the key figures of our activities.

    You can read and download the full report.
  • La Chronique N°123 – April 2017

    La Chronique N°123 - April 2017
    Intervene in areas difficult to access and at risk, at the heart of armed conflicts, a challenge which take up every day the teams of Première Urgence Internationale. 
    This new edition of the Chronique takes you on the humanitarian front.
  • La Chronique N°122 – December 2016

    La Chronique N°122 - December 2016
    La Chronique 122 will give you the key information to understand how Première Urgence Internationale implements a humanitarian response.

    Enjoy your reading!
  • La Chronique n°121 – September 2016

    La Chronique n°121 - September 2016
    795 million people, or around one in nine of us, still suffer from
    undernourishment. In response to this global challenge, Premiere Urgence Internationale is developing food security programmes

    In this magazine, you can find all the key elements to understand what is food security and how it is part of our activities.

  • La Chronique n°120 – June 2016

    La Chronique n°120 - June 2016
    With this edition, our quaterly magazine reports about the humanitarian world and new technology.

    Discover how new technology has changed how Première Urgence Internationale responds without altering the NGO's mission.

    Enjoy your reading!
  • Settler violence: An armed wing of settlement expansion in the occupied palestinian territory

    Settler violence: An armed wing of settlement expansion in the occupied palestinian territory
    Published by Médecins du Monde France and Première Urgence Internationale, this report offers a presentation of what settler violence represents for Palestinian communities.
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How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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