
INTIQAL 2030 : Protection, preservation and promotion of Gaza Strip historical archaelogical sites

Assessment vis-a-vis SDGs with Actionable Recommendations INTIQAL 2030 is a Youth-led initiative supported by Première…

Statement: Remembering the Great March of Return, Three Years On

As we commemorate the Great March of Return in the Gaza Strip, Premiere Urgence Internationale would like to share the attached statement developed with AIDA (Association of International Development Agencies). During demonstrations hundreds have been killed and thousands have been injured by Israeli forces near the fence. Premiere Urgence Internationale as part of its emergency response has been providing assistance to Gazans affected during the Great March of Return, including farmers and fishers in the Access Restricted Area.

Joint Statement : AIDA Calls for the Immediate Halt of Demolitions and Forcible Transfer of the Humsa Al Bqai’a Community

Jersualem, 10 February 2021 – The Association of International Development Agencies in Palestine (AIDA), representing over 80 INGOs working in Palestine and Israel, calls on Israel to immediately halt the illegal and forcible transfer of the community of Humsa Al Bqai’a in the Jordan Valley. AIDA also urges the international community to resort to appropriate measures to bring Israel into compliance with its legal obligations as an occupying power and to prevent further violations, as we have seen occurring with disturbing pace.


COVID-19 prevention, the Beirut blast, Venezuelan refugees in Colombia, vaccinations in the DRC, healthcare in Ukraine and Yemen but also 40 years’ presence in Afghanistan… So many striking events that shaped this peculiar year which, however, did not succeed in weakening the engagement of Première Urgence Internationale’s teams.

Première Urgence Internationale’s health approach in slums areas

Première Urgence Internationale intervenes for seven years in health mediation for Romanian-speaking populations living in squats and slums in the departments of Val-de-Marne and Seine-Saint-Denis. Registered since January 2016 in the Code of Public Health (Article L. 1110-13), the health mediation sector consists in playing an interface role between populations without access to rights and care and actors in the health system. Thanks to its experience, PUI is evolving its action in order to improve its impact.

The villages of Travneve and Gladosove need humanitarian assistance in Ukraine

Members of Première Urgence Internationale’s team visited the villages of Travneve and Gladosove on 18 July with a view to assessing local residents’ major needs in light of the now 5-year-long conflict raging on in Eastern Ukraine. After several interviews with residents of the villages were conducted, it was obvious that people living there are in need of humanitarian assistance. Below is their story.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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