

The security context continued to deteriorate in Burkina Faso during the year 2021, and the town of Sebba, in the Yagha province in the Sahel, remains the target of multiple armed attacks against the civilian population. The population movements generated by these acts destabilize the town and put great pressure on the health sector. Following the attack on the village of Solhan, Première Urgence Internationale was able to mobilize in order to set up an advanced health post (AHP) capable of responding to the needs of vulnerable populations in terms of both health and nutrition.


The advance of the Russian offensive in Ukraine has led to an increase in the number of people moving to neighbouring countries. Poland has become one of the theatres for humanitarian aid in the face of this massive flow of refugees. The teams of Première Urgence Internationale are working hard to respond effectively to the new vulnerabilities caused by these forced exiles, through measures linked to the security, mental and physical health of displaced populations.

UKRAINE EMERGENCY : How far will this war go?

On the 14th day of the Russian military offensive, the situation in Ukraine is critical. Assaults are increasing in several parts of the country, causing a growing number of deaths and injuries among the civilian population. Many buildings have been destroyed: schools, houses, roads. The people who stayed behind are striving to protect themselves the best they can in precarious shelters. In the meantime, hope of a ceasefire is fading by the day.

Press Statement : Emergency Ukraine We call on the parties to the conflict to respect the protection of civilians and humanitarian space

Since the outbreak of the Russian military operation on the night of February 24, 44…

“Here in Bamingui-Bangoran, Central African Republic, the medical systems are insufficient to ensure our health.”

This region in the northeast of the country is particularly isolated, and access to quality health care is often difficult. The chronic crises affecting the country has severely weakened the health system, and the geographic isolation of the prefecture, combined with a poor road network, exacerbates the difficulties of accessing the Ndélé District Hospital.

Contribution to the Evaluation of the Directive on Combating Terrorism [Directive (EU) 2017/541]

A group of eleven french NGOs – including Première Urgence Internationale – contributed to the Evaluation of the Directive on Combating Terrorism [Directive (EU) 2017/541].

[Open Letter] 680 leaders call on Joe Biden to take action to help bring an end to Israel’s institutionalized domination and oppression of the Palestinian people

14 june 2021 – A global coalition of leaders – from civil society through to academia, politics and Nobel laureates – have joined together in signing an open letter to call on President Biden to help bring an end to Israel’s institutionalized domination and oppression of the Palestinian people and protect their fundamental human rights.

[Statement] The ceasefire is the first step, now it’s time for accountability.

May 21st, 2021 – After 11 days of intensive attacks on the Gaza Strip and the firing of missiles into Israel, a ceasefire was agreed yesterday.

The Imperative to Cease Hostilities and Respect Humanitarian Space in Gaza

Joint Statement, 20 May 2021 – The Israeli military has been attacking one of the most densely populated areas in the world, the Gaza Strip, unrelentingly since the evening of May 10. The death toll is now over 219 Palestinians including 63 children and 35 women. Many Palestinians in Gaza, including aid workers, have reported that this is the most intense attack from Israel they have ever experienced, far surpassing the intensity of the 50 days war in 2014. Rockets fired from Gaza by Palestinian armed groups have indiscriminately targeted Israeli civilians, killing 12 Israelis, including two children.

Nearly 150 Healthcare Workers and Organizations Call on Israel to Supply Vaccines to oPt

As coronavirus infections and deaths spike in the West Bank and Gaza , nearly 150 healthcare workers, legal experts and organizations support the petition of human rights groups, including PHRI, at the Supreme Court, and demand that Israel immediately secure a supply of vaccines to the Palestinian population.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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