
Ebola: Absolute alertness after diagnosis in Goma (DRC)

Identified in a health center supported by Première Urgence Internationale, the first patient with Ebola virus in Goma, the capital of North Kivu, unfortunately died during his transfer to an Ebola treatment center in Butembo. An additional step is taken in this epidemic. All local authorities and the international community are mobilized to prevent the spread of the virus in this city of more than one million inhabitants.

Afghanistan: More aid workers have been killed so far in 2019, compared to all of 2018

The security situation of humanitarian workers remain critical in Afghanistan. While having being victim of a deadly explosive attack in May, Première Urgence Internationale still continues to work in the eastern region. But our teams, as the whole community of aid workers, are urging all stakeholders to protect and facilitate their work.

Gaza farmers encouraged to use solar energy

In the Gaza strip, farmers face difficulties to cultivate their lands, due to lack of access of water and electricity. Première Urgence Internationale equipped water-wells with solar panels and submersible pumps, to provide farmers with irrigation water.

Colombia: Solidarités International and Première Urgence Internationale take action

The current Venezuelan crisis and the massive exodus of people from neighbouring countries has alerted both NGOs. Colombia, the leading host country for Venezuelan refugees, faces the challenge of meeting the primary needs of the populations on its territory.

Yemen: Help people to grow productive home gardens

To address root causes of malnutrition in Yemen, and provide a longer-term response, Première Urgence Internationale leaded a nutrition project in the governorates of Hodeidah and Raymah. Objective: help the targeted households to establish their own productive gardens, and increase their preservation capacity.

Helping women turn their love for cooking into a career

Première Urgence Internationale has developed a regional approach to respond the needs of the populations affected by the Syrian crisis. In Lebanon, the NGO contributes to enhance access to the labor market, by providing vocational trainings. In May 2019, 23 women have been trained to professional cooking. 

Iraq: Helping people to regain access to basic services

With the official end of military operations in Iraq, humanitarian needs are now focused on the issues of reconstruction and rehabilitation. Anbar governorate is a rural area in the middle of the desert, in the southwest of the country. Its villages and infrastructures were affected, or even destroyed, during the years of conflict. Première Urgence Internationale carries out multi-sectoral activities to support the most vulnerable civilian populations.

Settler violence in Occupied Palestinian Territory: “I didn’t know what to do to protect my baby”

Settler violence against Palestinian civilians are an almost daily occurrence in the West Bank. In 2018, due to settler violence, 119 Palestinians were injured, and 3 Palestinians were killed. Première Urgence Internationale met Raja, a Palestinian mother of three, who has been victim of a settler attack with her children.

In Afghanistan, one of our teams victim of an explosive attack

On Sunday, 5th May, a vehicle carrying five staff members from one of our mobile health teams was attacked with explosives. The driver sadly succombed to his injuries. All of our five colleagues were injured in the attack. Première Urgence Internationale, which is intervening in Afghanistan since 1979, strongly condemns this serious attack.

Première Urgence Internationale supporting agriculture in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic is among the poorest countries in the world. Nearly 3 million Central Africans are currently in need of immediate humanitarian aid.  Première Urgence Internationale, with support from the French Embassy, has just launched a new food aid project in the north-east of the country.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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