
Yemen: Première Urgence Internationale expands activities to the South

Première Urgence Internationale has been operating in Yemen since 2007. The NGO supports the primary health system in both governorates of Hudaydah and Raymah, which are notable, as is all of the country, for food insecurity and severe chronic malnutrition. Thanks to the support of the European Union, activities have been expanded to complementary health facilities in the governorate of Taizz, south of the country. 

West Bank: Palestinian farmers unable to harvest their olives

Every year, in the occupied West Bank, October is the harvesting period for olive trees. A time that exacerbates tensions between Palestinian and Israelis. Two Palestinian farmers, supported by Première Urgence Internationale, share their testimonies of the attacks they suffered.

Improving access to safe delivery for vulnerable women in Jordan

Thanks to the support of the European Union and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Première Urgence Internationale has provided information and cash assistance to facilitate access to health services for vulnerable households in Jordan. Since June 2018 and up to late August, the program benefited to 1,600 households, i.e 7,321 people, contributing to reduce preventable mortality in the country.

Première Urgence Internationale commits to fighting gender-based violence in emergencies

Première Urgence Internationale has just become an official partner to the Call to Action on for protection from Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies. The NGO is now one of the 84 partners to the Call to Action and commits to working on this topic, in all of its missions across the world.

Deputy head of mission: a mediator in humanitarian mission

The head of mission is sometimes supported by at deputy dedicated to support departments. The Deputy Head of Mission coordinates teams and departments in the field. Its purpose is to maximize every missions’ activities.

In Afghanistan, more women are able to give birth safely

In the east region of Afghanistan, Première Urgence Internationale is improving access to maternal and neonatal care for women living in remote villages of Kunar Province. Thanks to this program, the number of institutional deliveries is increasing, in the five health facilities supported.

Helping Syrian families to move back to their houses

In Syria, Première Urgence Internationale provides a humanitarian aid to populations victims of the conflict, through an integrated approach. The NGO addresses the needs in water, hygiene, sanitation, and psychological support. It also contributes to improve the conditions of hosting of the displaced populations inside the country.

Première Urgence Internationale launches a project in Burundi

After more than three years of assessments and exploratory missions in the country, Première Urgence Internationale has just started a first operational project in Burundi, in the Ngozi hospital. This first intervention is reflected in training of hospital staff: a promising base, which can lay the groundwork for the future.

In 2018, we supported 6 million people over the world

Over the year 2018, Première Urgence Internationale operated in 23 different countries over the world. The huge number of projects led (around 170) was made possible thanks to the work of our 2 714 collaborators, 201 expatriates and 86 headquarters staff, and the support of over 70 institutional and private partners.

Water and sanitation: ‘Adapt to the setting to become more effective’

In every humanitarian mission, water, sanitation and hygiene are key issues for the people affected.  WASH*, as it is often called, is a crucial area of work, in emergency situations as well as settings where reconstruction and development are taking place.  Timothée Le Guellec, WASH advisor for Première Urgence Internationale, explains the main challenges involved. 

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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