
Première Urgence Internationale opens a stabilization center in Yemen

A new stabilisation center has been operational since last December in Western Yemen, aimed at populations suffering from malnutrition. Première Urgence Internationale’s teams were in charge of renovating and improving this center, which serves today more than 16 children per month.

Roya Heydari : “I want to show life in Afghanistan as it happens”

Roya Heydari is a 27-year-old Afghan photographer. Late December, she worked in the field with Première Urgence Internationale and spent two weeks in the Eastern regions, from Nangarhar to Nuristan. She documented the NGO’s activities through a selection of powerful pictures.

Throwback: The key events of our 2019 actions

Looking forward to the year ahead, Première Urgence Internationale draws up its 2019 balance, through a selection of the key events of this year. From France to Nigeria, going through Ukraine, Lebanon and Iraq, the past year appeared to be a pivotal year for some of the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

Working in Afghanistan: between insecurity and team spirit

With Première Urgence Internationale, Marko spent one year in Afghanistan, working as Field Coordinator in the Eastern region of the country. Recently returned from Jalalabad, he shares his impressions about the NGO’s oldest mission, full of challenges and unexpected discovery.

Iraq: More than 15,500 Syrian refugees have access to primary healthcare services in the newly re-opened camp of Bardarash

In the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Première Urgence Internationale is supporting the Syrian refugees who escaped the ongoing military operations in North East Syria. The NGO leads the revitalization of health facilities and the provision of primary and free health care services, to more than 150 patients a day.

One year since Stockholm Agreement, Hodeidah still most dangerous place in Yemen for Civilians

Joint statement – “As aid agencies working in Yemen, we are outraged that after almost five years, Yemenis continue to suffer from an incalculable humanitarian crisis fuelled by conflict. We call on all conflict parties to work together and speed up implementation of the Stockholm Agreement.”

Access Denied: A Palestinian farmer versus an Israeli settlement

In the West Bank, Israelis settlements keep growing despite the UN resolution adopted at the end of 2016. Première Urgence Internationale continues its activities for the victims of settlers attacks, through emergency response and advocacy actions. The teams accompany Palestinian farmers in the area of restricted access, such as Sami, who has seen his land being swallowed up by Israeli settlers.

Lebanon: A livelihood program to support vulnerable families

Première Urgence Internationale mobilizes its teams to bring support to local populations and to address the refugees’ needs. The INGO intervenes on a livelihood and protection program, to help vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugees recover their economic independence.

Joint statement Normandy Four – Ukraine: Four Heads of State, Four Humanitarian Issues

NGOs providing humanitarian aid in eastern Ukraine call on members of the Normandy Four negotiations to stand for humanity in their upcoming meeting

Première Urgence Internationale condemns the latest announcements from the US administration about Israeli settlements

On November 18, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that “the establishment of Israeli…

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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