
In the DRC, the Ebola outbreak isn’t over: we continue our response

While the whole world is facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is still fighting against another deadly epidemic. Just before it should have been declared officially ended on the 12th of April, a new fatality was attributed to the Ebola virus disease on the 9th of April, proving that this 20-month outbreak has not been overcome yet. Première Urgence Internationale keeps working on prevention and awareness activities, to mitigate the spread of the Ebola virus and fight against this deadly disease.



Over five years of brutal war in Yemen have left millions of Yemenis weakened by malnutrition and disease, and decimated Yemen’s health system.  The imminent threat of COVID-19 will exacerbate an already dire humanitarian situation.

Uninterrupted Israeli human rights violations increase Palestinians vulnerability to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic represents a serious threat for civilian populations all over the world, but especially in the occupied Palestinian territory. Under international law, the Israeli authorities are responsible for the protection of Palestinian civilians under their military occupation in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip. Première Urgence Internationale reminds the Israeli authorities of their duties and calls on urgent action to avoid greater risks of contamination.

Access to water, hygiene, sanitation… Key priorities during an outbreak

Première Urgence Internationale has a long record of supporting people across the world, in crisis and conflicts situations. The ongoing global outbreak of COVID-19 replaces all countries on an equal basis, and imposes to respect everywhere the same guidelines and measures. Especially in terms of hygiene, access to water, and sanitation. Echoing on the World Water Day, this Sunday 22th of March, let’s remind the essential bases.

Coronavirus: to adapt the humanitarian response during an emergency

The global coronavirus epidemic forces many sectors of activity to slow down and adapt their functioning. The humanitarian sector is not an exception. Like other NGOs, Première Urgence Internationale is shifting its actions and programs throughout the world, like it already did in response to previous regional outbreaks. The priority is to protect health workers and the population, while ensuring the continuity of essential care.

Nigeria: Première Urgence Internationale stands against gender-based violence

To fight against gender inequalities and violence against women and girls, Première Urgence Internationale is conducting several protection activities in Bolori II, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Since 2018, the NGO’s teams have trained a hundred volunteers that help convey messages within local communities. To ensuring that, in future, gender-based violence and inequality is no longer a taboo in this country.

Première Urgence Internationale provides shelter assistance to vulnerable families in Lebanon

In response to the Syrian crisis, Première Urgence Internationale intervenes in Akkar, one of the most under-developed governorate of Lebanon and main host area for Syrian families. The NGO supports host and refugees populations by providing shelter assistance, to avoid risks of eviction and improve their housing conditions. Here are the stories of some families supported.


The Democratic Republic of the Congo is facing a large-scale measles epidemic. In the DRC in 2019, 6,000 people died from this disease. It remains one of the leading causes of death among young children, despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine. Première Urgence Internationale is working in the Kasaï and Kasaï-Central provinces to help with the care, the response, and the training of medical staff and community supporters.

Afghanistan: 40 years of our intervention exhibited in Kabul

In 2020, Première Urgence Internationale marks 40 years of its humanitarian intervention in Afghanistan. A sad anniversary that makes necessary to highlight this humanitarian crisis and the current context in which Afghan civilians live today. From archived pictures, between 1980 and 2020, Première Urgence Internationale made up an exhibition showing four decades of its mission, mainly focused on health and access to basic services.

NO DEAL: AIDA calls on international community to reject US plan and demand accountability

Joint statement, 29 January 2020 – A coalition of 84 international NGOs operating in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel, the Association of International Development Agencies (AIDA), urges the international community to reject the US Administration’s plan and reaffirm their shared commitment to the principles of international law as the basis for a just and durable peace agreement. 

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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