
What is the role of an Head of Mission in Iraq?

Liam Kelly spent two years in iraq for Première Urgence Internationale. Back from his mission, he tells us about his experience as a Head of Mission in a country that he is still trying to understand.

“In Iraq, the first thing that would strike you is the level of destruction”

Liam Kelly, Head of Mission in Iraq for Première Urgence Internationale, is just back from his two year mission in the country. In two videos, he explains the humanitarian situation in Iraq and the difficulties to access the country.

“I realised that my children and I deserve to be happy”

Dawlat is 44 years old. When her home in Syria was hit by a bomb in 2013, she lost her husband. She fled Syria with her four children and sought refuge in Lebanon. She settled in the border village of Aarida, in Akkar. In 2017, she started attending psychosocial support sessions carried out by Premiere Urgence Internationale.

Poverty and deprivation: life in Gaza after 10 years of Israeli blockade (360 video)

A 360 video takes you to Gaza. What is life like in Gaza under Israeli blockade? The video is made in partnership with Action Against Hunger, Terre des Hommes and funded by the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.


Sadak Souici, photographer, travelled to Ukraine for Première Urgence Internationale to witness the living conditions of the people in the east of the country, near the contact line.

Coalition of 70+ INGOs calls for an end to the occupation in new report

Coalition of 70+ INGO of more than 70 INGOs working in the occupied Palestinian territory calls for an end to the occupation in new report.

The Saint Hilarion Monastery in Gaza must be saved

Première Urgence Internationale has had a presence in the Gaza Strip since 2009. The teams contributes to rehabilitate two heritage sites in the Gaza Strip: the Saint Hilarion Monastery and a Byzantine Church in Jabaliyah. They are in danger of disappearing.


Première Urgence Internationale has been working in Mali since 2013 despite difficulties gaining access to the population. In fact in October 2017, The UN Secretary General’s annual report stressed that the humanitarian and security situation has ‘significantly deteriorated’ in Mali. Moustafa Saadou has spent 10 months in the country as medical coordinator for Première Urgence Internationale.


In 2017, violence in the Central African Republic (CAR) has become increasingly intense, resulting in disastrous consequences for residents. Currently, just over half the population find themselves in need of humanitarian assistance. Ewelina Gasiorowska, Première Urgence Internationale’s manager for the Africa region, sheds some light on the situation.

Hadja, Mohammed, Zyad…They all crossed paths with our teams in 2017 in Lebanon, Palestine, Nigeria and Ukraine…

They all have a story.  We bring you first-hand accounts of their stories, experiences full of pain but also of hope, in this, the final edition of the year.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

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Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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