
Open Letter to the Yemeni Parties to the Conflict from 141 NGOs: Restore and Renew the Truce and Build Lasting Peace

As we mark eight long years of the conflict in Yemen and one year since the start of the now lapsed truce agreement of 2 April 2022, we call on you to maintain sharp focus on reaching a new truce deal and initiating steps towards a real, long-lasting, and inclusive Yemeni peace process.

World Water Day: Climate disasters remind us that water access is far from being a given, for both North and South

While states are meeting this week at the UN headquarters in New York to discuss the challenges related to water, civil society organizations are raising the alarm about the unprecedented level of humanitarian needs in terms of access to water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH).

On the occasion of World Water Day, Timothée LE GUELLEC, WASH Advisor at Première Urgence Internationale, reminds what are the main actions on which the international community must act.

No respite for Syria after 12 years of war

After 12 years of war in Syria, 7 out of 10 people are currently in need of humanitarian assistance. The country has 22 million inhabitants, 6 million of whom are displaced persons who have fled the fighting and whose living conditions are extremely precarious.

Discovery of a leaden sarcophagus in the Roman Necropolis of Ard-al-Moharbeen in Gaza

Première Urgence Internationale teams made an incredible discovery during a preventive archaeological excavation in Jabalyah, in the north of the Gaza Strip.

In West Bank – Violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinians is rising at a straggering rate

[Infographics] -The violence of Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank is traced here since 2017 with the collaboration of Visualizing Palestine

IRAQ: in Fallujah, people are returning home after fleeing the war…

In the western part of Iraq, Ramadi and Fallujah are two iconic cities of Anbar governorate that were captured by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) between 2014 and 2015. In 2016, the Iraqi armed forces and their allies launched a military campaign that aimed to recapture ISIL-held areas. The targeted areas included these two cities, which are in a state of widespread destruction. In a region already largely ruined by the Iraq War years earlier, everything has to be rebuilt and the population is challenged to meet its most basic needs.

[PRESS RELEASE] Signature of an innovative Project to Support Youth and Socio-Economic Development in the Gaza Strip around Palestinian Cultural Heritage

Palestinian Prime Minister, H.E. Mohammad Shtayyeh, the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA), H.E. Ms. Rula Ma’ayah signed today with the Agence Française de Development (AFD), H. E the French Consul General M. René Troccaz and Première Urgence Internationale an agreement to launch a 5-year project to Support Youth and Socio-Economic Development in the Monastery of Saint Hilarion in the Gaza Strip, as part of the INTIQAL 2030 program. The project will be implemented in cooperation and partnership between MoTA, Première Urgence Internationale, cultural institutions and the local community.

Protection and preservation of tangible and intangible Palestinian cultural heritage

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) in cooperation with cultural organisations, universities in the Gaza Strip and international experts work to protect and preserve Tell Umm ‘Amr (The Saint Hilarion Monastery) under its Youth-led INTIQAL program. The Monastery of Saint Hilarion, is a rare site for its architectural elements and bears an exceptional historical, religious and cultural testimony. The monastery was an important station on the crossroads between Egypt and Palestine and was an important place of exchange and transmission for cultural and educational activities.

‟I wanted to go to Afghanistan”

Manasi is a 31 years old women working for Première Urgence Internationale as Deputy Field Coordinator dedicated to Programs for the Afghanistan mission. During a conversation she had with Jeanne HUTIN, HR Officer based at the headquarters of the organization, she explained how this experience in Afghanistan has been meaningful both personally and professionally.

Première Urgence Internationale and WAFAA International Group joined their efforts to support the Limb Reconstruction Center in the Gaza Strip

The Limb Reconstruction Centre is a vital part of WHOs’ trauma and emergency care programme, which is working with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and partners, on an extensive series of interventions to improve the management of trauma injuries at the prehospital level all the way to hospital care, including emergency departments and surgery, to rehabilitation and recovery.

How your donations are used?

Stats Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates most of its resources to the programs and activities and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are crucial.

Take control of your destiny

Your donations ensure our freedom of action. They allow us to provide support to those affected by crises that have been forgotten by the media and institutional sponsors. It means that the decisions of how to use all of the donations collected are taken by the organisation. It gives us the freedom to act and to increase our responsiveness.
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