
Thirteen international NGOs report obstacles to the deployment of humanitarian aid in Gaza

The situation is getting worse each and every day. For more than 9 months, the people of Gaza have been plunged into chaos because of endless fighting, forced displacement and lack of access to the most basic and vital services. In a statement issued on 15 July 2024, 13 NGOs described the main barriers to the humanitarian response, which is essential for more than 2 million people living in the Gaza Strip.

“The war in Sudan must not become a forgotten crisis”, and yet…

The imperative used by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, last February is a reminder of the need not to look away from what could be one of the worst crises in recent history[1].

In Ukraine, Selydivs’ka Central City Hospital was once again targeted by military strikes

Selydivs’ka Central City Hospital is one of the crucial medical institutions in Pokrovsk district of Donetsk region.

Gaza: a devastating month

One month. One month since a bloody attack and hostage taking that led to a…

[Press release] – Gaza: We must act fast!

Since October 7, 2023, attacks between Israel and the Gaza Strip have continued unabated. The number of civilian casualties continues to rise daily, and the humanitarian situation is becoming increasingly critical for over 2 million people. Talks to open the Rafah crossing are taking days; meanwhile, more than 2 million people are cut off from the world without water, electricity or food.

[Press release] Première Urgence Internationale is appealing to the warring parties in Gaza, Israel and Lebanon to protect the lives of civilians.

The escalation of violence over the last 24 hours has resulted in the deaths of several hundred civilians, and the next 24 hours will no doubt be just as dramatic in human terms.

Afghanistan: Drops of Change – How access to safe water is making a difference in women’s life.

“I remember the day I opened the tap in my garden […]. From that day on, I no longer had to beg my neighbour for water or worry about how to ration water for my family. That mental pressure was suddenly gone.”

Venezuela: Making the difference in the life of a teenager mother

Jaigreimar gets ready for a busy day. As she does every morning, this 36-year-old mother of five goes to the Health Center at Los Medanos to provide awareness session on Sexual and Reproductive Health.

In Gaza Strip, about 148 000 individuals are experiencing violations of their basic rights on a daily basis, because of restrictions imposed by Israel.

The Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip has sealed off more than 2 million people over the past 16 years. Among the multiple measures imposed, Israel has unilaterally defined an Access Restricted Area (ARA) on land along the fence of the Gaza Strip with Israel as well as on the sea fishing area, prohibiting farmers, herders, and fishers to carry out their economic activities. ARA represents 35% of Gaza Strip’s agricultural lands and up to 85% of the fishing zone. The enforcement of such a policy have devastating consequences on farmers, herders, fishers and their families’ life who are directly exposed to physical threats and loss of their productive assets – but have also an impact for the entire population of Gaza.

Afghanistan : Women have a key role in the health system

Chantal Autotte-Bouchard is a public health and tropical medicine nurse. She has been involved in various humanitarian crisis contexts, notably in sub-Saharan Africa, Haiti and India, before joining Première Urgence Internationale as Health Advisor at the organisation’s headquarters. Back from a visit to Afghanistan, she shares her experience with us.

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