About us

Première Urgence Internationale is a non-profit, apolitical and secular international NGO. It helps civilian victims marginalized or excluded by the effects of war, natural disasters and economic collapse.

Who we are ?

The aim of Première Urgence Internationale is to provide a global response to all the fundamental needs of populations affected by emergency crises, enabling them to regain their autonomy and dignity. Our vocation is to defend fundamental human rights, as defined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our projects are currently carried out in 25 countries by 3,133 national staff, 207 expatriates and 133 head office employees.

© Première Urgence Internationale

Our history

In 1979, the Afghan population was suffering as a result of internal conflict and the Soviet invasion. Doctors, nurses, midwives and pharmacists of the “Aide Médicale Internationale” (AMI) association took action in the field, training the locals in medicine. Their slogan was “Let’s help them do without us”. For 31 years, AMI provided health support to populations in extremely hard-hit and conflict-affected areas, training local health staff, providing cross-border aid, and rebuilding medical facilities. “Backpack” doctors and nurses doing cross-border work became one of the calling cards of AMI.

In 1992, while the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was raging, three friends wanted to help the victims of this deadly war. To achieve their goal, they set up an organization named “Première Urgence”. They collected medicine and food products, rented several trucks, and crossed Europe to reach Sarajevo, under siege and constant bombing. Following this experience, they decided to devote their lives to humanitarian action and Première Urgence became an NGO focused on providing aid in emergencies.

In 2011, the committed humanitarian workers of Première Urgence and the experienced doctors of Aide Médicale Internationale came together. They joined forces to help vulnerable populations around the world through humanitarian action in the form of emergency medical aid and the provision of health services. Première Urgence Internationale was born.

Today, our teams work in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America and the Middle East, operating in areas of armed conflict or in response to natural disasters. Première Urgence Internationale is now one of the largest French humanitarian NGOs.

Afghanistan 1990


Creation of Aide Médicale Internationale

The Afghan population is suffering from the war resulting from internal conflicts and the Soviet occupation. Doctors, nurses, midwives and pharmacists from the “Aide Médicale Internationale” association go into the field to train local people in medicine.


The effects of the junta

After twenty years of military dictatorship in Myanmar, the country’s impoverishment continues unabated. Aide Médicale Internationale supports the most vulnerable populations.

Sarajevo 1992


Sarajevo under the bombs

Three friends decide to join forces to help the victims of the conflict in the Balkans. They collect medicines and foodstuffs, rent several trucks and cross Europe to Bosnia-Herzegovina. Première Urgence is born.


Expanding operations in Europe & the Middle East

Première Urgence’s actions reach populations in Kosovo, Croatia and Albania. At the same time, the association’s volunteers work in Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and in conflict-ridden Lebanon.

Afrique 2000


New century, new scale

The two associations Première Urgence and Aide Médicale Internationale extend their operations to the African continent, with missions in Guinea, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Central African Republic. The scale of operations is new for both organizations, which expand exponentially.


North Korea

Première Urgence will intervene in North Korea, becoming one of the only international organizations present in the country.

Syrie 2008



Première Urgence intervenes in Syria to respond to the influx of Iraqi refugees. Three years before the Syrian crisis that would inflame the entire region for more than a decade.


30 years of AMI

Aide Médicale Internationale celebrates thirty years of humanitarian action, and begins to forge closer ties with Première Urgence during an intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

haiti 2010 seisme



An unprecedented earthquake hits the country, one of the poorest in the world. Aide Médicale Internationale is already on site, and Première Urgence teams reinforce their numbers.



The Indus River overflows its banks, causing major flooding and affecting millions of people. PU and AMI once again intervene side by side, consolidating their collaboration.


The merger

The committed humanitarians of Première Urgence and the seasoned doctors of Aide Médicale Internationale join forces to bring assistance to vulnerable populations around the world. Première Urgence Internationale is born.


Needs skyrocket

South Sudan, Ukraine, Nigeria, Libya, Bangladesh, Niger, Venezuela… The 2010s see populations around the world suffer on a much larger scale. Humanitarian NGOs like Première Urgence Internationale are increasingly called upon to respond.

covid france


The global pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis brings the world to a standstill, but not the crises. In parallel with their missions, Première Urgence Internationale teams respond to the pandemic, particularly in the slums of France.


Ukraine is invaded

War makes its return on European soil. Première Urgence Internationale teams, already present in Ukraine, develop an unprecedented response in the country as part of the Dorijka consortium.



The suffocation of Gaza

Following the Hamas attacks of October 7, the populations of the landlocked Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip suffer incessant bombing, deprivation of humanitarian aid and daily human rights abuses. Première Urgence Internationale responds as best it can to this desperate situation.

Our commitments

To help, relieve and preserve lives by carrying out humanitarian and development actions throughout the world, without discrimination, on behalf of civilian victims endangered, marginalized or excluded by the effects of armed conflict, natural disasters or economic collapse resulting from political upheaval or the consequences of environmental and climatic degradation.

Our values
Our vocation is to defend fundamental human rights, as defined in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Independence, neutrality and impartiality
Our actions are guided by our principles alone, guaranteeing the autonomy of the association’s decisions with the sole aim of preventing and alleviating the suffering of victims of humanitarian crises.
  • Access, quality and impact
We advocate and implement all actions likely to ensure direct access to affected populations. Our actions are designed on the basis of needs identified in the field.
  • Accountability
We are firmly committed to the principle of accountability to stakeholders (affected communities, international NGOs, local NGOs, authorities, donors, the general public, human resources, etc.), which implies the participation of all players concerned, as well as the ongoing sharing and feedback of information.
  • Participation and partnerships
We adapt our actions to the contexts in which we operate, ensuring the full participation of crisis-affected populations and communities at every stage of the project cycle.
  • Commitment and professionalism
We encourage the humanitarian commitment and initiative of all our human resources, and strive to provide them with a permanent forum for dialogue.

Our organisation

Our Board of Administrators

The Board

Our Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Acting transparently

Première Urgence Internationale has an accounting and management control department whose rigor and transparency have been certified in every audit by our financial partners.

Our annual financial statements are certified without reservation by Deloitte & Associés, our statutory auditor.

Each year, Première Urgence Internationale allocates the bulk of its resources to the programs it deploys in its various fields of intervention, and only 0.2% to fundraising. Your donations are essential.

Read our annual reports

5 million
people supported worldwide
million euros annual budget
of resources in the field
institutional and private partners

Read our annual reports