Women join forces to tackle malnutrition in Cameroon

Due to extreme weather conditions and the complex security crisis, the Far North region suffers from one of the highest rates of chronic food deficit and acute malnutrition in the country.

Maryam, member of the Groupe de Soutien à l’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant de Lacta, Logone-et-Chari department, Far North, April 2024 – © Aleth GUIMEDELIE / Première Urgence Internationale


Even before their children are born, mothers play a key role in the quality of their diet. The food they eat determines the quality of their breast milk. In the majority of families, they then choose the menus and, consequently, the type of foodstuffs that make up the children’s diet.

Women, including mothers, are essential links in the chain of players involved in Première Urgence Internationale’s activities to tackle malnutrition in Cameroon.

Formed into “Groupes de Soutien à l’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant” , they help monitor the nutritional status of children in their villages, spreading good practices in terms of nutrition and hygiene within their communities.

Première Urgence Internationale teams take action to combat malnutrition in Cameroon

Awareness-raising session on good nutritional practices, Sékoulé, Mayo Sava department, Far North, December 2023 – © Alfred ETOUBOU / Première Urgence Internationale


Previously trained by Première Urgence Internationale nutrition specialists in good nutritional and hygiene practices, and in the preparation of porridges made from local foods, they have also mastered the techniques and dynamics of group leadership instilled by the teams.

These experienced mothers educate their peers on recommended breastfeeding and complementary feeding behaviours. Often accompanied by community men, they organize cooking demonstrations and share their own experiences with local residents.

Amata is a member of the Groupe de Soutien à l’Alimentation du Nourrisson et du Jeune Enfant in the village of Mara in the Far North region. She shares her difficulties in finding food in her village.

“This year, we’ve had many difficulties. There’s no money here in Mara, the birds have destroyed the fields in the villages and the mice have eaten away the rice reserves in the households. We haven’t had a good harvest for our cereals. Fortunately for the children, Première Urgence Internationale provides us with money every two weeks to make porridge.

We have also received mills of two sizes that will help us grind the food to make balanced meals. Little by little, the quantities will increase. The large mill will enable the women to grind large quantities of cereals in the village, while the small one will be used for small quantities of food”, says Amata.

Première Urgence Internationale teams take action to combat malnutrition in Cameroon

Amata and Véronique, members of the Première Urgence Internationale nutrition team, Kousseri, Logone et Chari department, Extreme North. – ©  Aleth GUIMEDELIE / Première Urgence Internationale

Like Amata, other women are working in their localities to tackle malnutrition in Cameroon. Originally from the Extreme-North region, they take part in awareness-raising activities among village women and men. As community relays, they act as a link between Première Urgence Internationale teams and beneficiaries. As such, they are essential resources for regular community needs assessments.

This assistance is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Discover our activities in Cameroon.

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