
Chad: the number of refugees from Sudan is continuing to increase.

Publié le 27/06/2023

Since the start of armed clashes in Sudan on April 15, 2023, Chad has welcomed over 100,000 refugees and more than 24,000 returnees, according to the Chadian government’s census and the UNHCR.

“Their homes have been destroyed, that’s why they’re coming to Chad”

These people, mostly women and children, are scattered across the country and find themselves in a very precarious situation. These people have lived through the war,” says Thertus, project manager for Première Urgence Internationale in Chad. Their homes have been destroyed, burnt down and robbed. Their families have sometimes been killed. That’s why they arrive here in Chad. They haven’t had time to pick up their supplies. They arrived empty-handed.

Les équipes de Première Urgence Internationale interviennent auprès des réuigiés soudanais au Tchad.

Taking care of the refugees will become increasingly complicated with the onset of winter, despite the immensity of the humanitarian needs.

Rapid intervention for vulnerable people

Première Urgence Internationale continues to provide primary healthcare, as well as treatment for malnutrition in children and pregnant and nursing women. It also facilitates the supply of drinking water and the acquisition of non-food items for people who are surviving today thanks to international aid.

Les équipes de Première Urgence Internationale interviennent auprès des réfugiés soudanais au Tchad.

Since the start of the crisis, Première Urgence Internationale has deployed mobile clinics, and continues to work with the most vulnerable people. “They have nothing to eat. That’s why they gradually fall into malnutrition,” adds Thertus. We provide first aid here, and refer the most complicated cases to the Adré district hospital. The situation is only getting worse. The arrival of refugees is not abating.”

Currently, Première Urgence Internationale teams are carrying out up to 200 consultations a day.

Les équipes de Première Urgence Internationale interviennent auprès des réfugiés soudanais au Tchad.

Our activities are made possible by funding from the Crisis and Support Centre of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs.

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