

Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is hiring a Photographer/Writer to produce a Photo Essay tackling the context and problems of Eastern Chad vulnerable population in regard to food and nutritional crisis.

The Photo Essay will point out the specific livelihoods conditions of the most vulnerable households in the Eastern Chad and their basic needs to be covered, and above all, how the partnership between PUI and OFDA make a difference for us on a day to day basis for the persons we support.

The Photographer will spend around three weeks in Chad. PUI teams will guide him so that he can meet Chadian beneficiaries and PUI workers in different areas where the program is running, take pictures and collect testimonies. The photo story will then be drafted and designed. It will mainly focus on the impact of the integrated response implemented by PUI and OFDA on the people we support, enlightening their strengths and avoiding miserabilist photos, according to our values of respect of the dignity.

Fore more information, please download the Terms of Reference.

Date limite de réponse : Clôturé

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Stats Chaque année, Première Urgence Internationale affecte l’essentiel de ses ressources aux programmes qu’elle déploie sur ses différents terrains d’intervention et seulement 0,2% à la recherche de fonds. Vos dons sont essentiels.

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Vos dons sont les garants de notre liberté d’action. Ils nous permettent de venir en aide aux populations affectées par des crises oubliées qui ne retiennent l’attention ni des médias, ni des bailleurs de fonds institutionnels. Les sommes collectées constituent ainsi les fonds propres de l’association, lui donnant une autonomie d’action et une réactivité accrue.
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