
The health department is the heart of Première Urgence Internationale's activities. After all, the organization began by providing medical support to people affected by conflicts, climate shocks, urban violence... Over the years, it has integrated other fields of expertise into its scope of intervention in order to offer an integrated and holistic response to the people we support.

In addition to medical aspects, health includes nutrition, pharmacy and mental health. The latter is increasingly developing as a separate field of intervention, focusing on mental support monitoring tools and methodologies, shock management, etc.

An integral part of the Première Urgence Internationale’s Technical department, the Health division aims to address three objectives: emergency situations, strategies for reviving existing systems and building resilience.

The health team is made up of several officers at headquarters who support the many coordinators in the field, as well as project managers and teams in the field. While our technical advisors master the technicalities of the subjects, health teams on the ground focus mainly on the implementation and monitoring of  activities and, in some cases, take on the role of technical expert in health and nutrition during external representations: to donors, implementing partners and health authorities.

Our healthcare teams are actively involved in the current debate in the humanitarian sector on new means of intervention and innovative, integrated programs.

Required skills:

Higher education in the medical or paramedical field and/or training in Public Health or project management would be appreciated.

Ability to understand health and nutrition issues in complex and unstable contexts

Good capacity to strengthen health/nutrition programs

Interest in innovative healthcare ideas and humanitarian project management

Experience in international solidarity

Ability to think outside the box