

mission start date
national staff
expatriate staff
272 441
people supported
mission start date
national staff
expatriate staff
272 441
people supported


Awareness-raising for breastfeeding mothers at the Borota CS, December 2023, ©Première Urgence Internationale

Chad’s context is particularly fragile, characterized by health system failures, severe food insecurity and extreme climatic events such as flooding. Nearly six million people are in need in Chad. Since the start of the crisis in Sudan in 2023, Chad has become the main host country for displaced people, and is now home to more than 500,000 Sudanese refugees, 88% of whom are women and children, as well as 165,499 Chadian returnees. These displaced people have often been victims or witnesses of serious violence, resulting in psychological shock and distress. They live in sites and camps where living conditions are extremely difficult, with a high concentration of people. These massive and continuous arrivals put additional pressure on already inadequate resources and services, lacking infrastructure, qualified personnel, equipment and medicines.

Our approach
Description of the mission

Première Urgence Internationale operates in Chad’s Ouaddai province, on the border with Sudan, which has been hosting the majority of Sudanese refugees and Chadian returnees since the start of the Sudanese conflict in April 2023. Première Urgence Internationale was among the first humanitarian organizations to respond to this influx of refugees, intervening in health, nutrition and psychosocial support for refugee populations and host communities. The mission has set up emergency shelters and mobile clinics, providing health services, including psychosocial support and nutrition, to the most vulnerable people. These clinics are located in camps and IDP sites, and move around as relocations and needs arise.

Première Urgence Internationale
in action

Première Urgence Internationale provides emergency assistance in response to the Sudanese crisis, as well as support for the healthcare system.

Emergency actions include:

  • Setting up 5 advanced health posts
  • Consultations on primary health care, sexual and reproductive health (deliveries, family planning) and referrals to health centers for complicated cases
  • Management of cases of moderate and severe acute malnutrition without complications and referral of cases with complications
  • Support for vaccination campaigns
  • Raising community awareness of health, hygiene and psychosocial issues
  • Mobile clinics providing primary health care, sexual and reproductive health services, as well as screening and referral of malnutrition cases
  • Mother-child spaces to complete the care of malnourished children and offer psycho-stimulation activities.

Actions to support and strengthen the resilience of the health system include:

  • Donations of medical equipment and medicines to health centers
  • Recruitment of female staff and training of all health personnel
  • Community-based approach to encourage behavioral change in health and nutrition practices, for example by setting up a “husband school” and women’s groups



Distribution of basic necessities to Darfur refugees at the Koufroun site, Ouaddaï region, Chad, on the Sudanese border. ©Première Urgence Internationale / Colin Delfosse

©Première Urgence Internationale / Colin Delfosse

©Première Urgence Internationale / Colin Delfosse

Mathieu Iziquiel

Head of mission Tchad © Première Urgence Internationale

“In Chad, Première Urgence Internationale is present in the border areas with Sudan, mainly providing health services to the most vulnerable. The crisis in this neighboring country has seriously weakened Chad, a country already hard hit by climate change and major shortfalls in health, education and infrastructure of all kinds. ”

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Our donors

ECHO (European Commission)

AFD (Agence Française de Développement)

CDCS (Centre de crise et de soutien)

11ème Fonds Européen de Développement

ECHO (European Commission)

AFD (Agence Française de Développement)

CDCS (Centre de crise et de soutien)

11ème Fonds Européen de Développement

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Thank you
Your support enables us to have a positive impact on 5 million people located in crisis zones every year.
